Captured Lightning sculptures, Gallery 1 ordering page

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Stoneridge Engineering has been THE source for acrylic Captured Lightning
(Lichtenberg figure) sculptures since 2002. We are now Captured Lightning, LLC
 but we still provide the same high quality and beauty you've come to expect!

Updated 03/24/25 - subject to change without prior notice

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Captured Lightning Gallery 1
Art forged by trillions of raging electrons

Gallery 2 Acrylic Sculptures

  Experimental and Less Expensive Sculptures

Don't miss our "Eye Candy" page!
(higher resolution images of some of our best work)

What are Lichtenberg figures? How do we make these Sculptures?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  International Customers - See How to Order

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Limited Quantity of Experimental Hearts - Order now!

Captured Lightning Hearts

  • Spheres Cubes Magnabrites
    "Ball Lightning"
    3 inch "Lightning Cubes" 2.5" and 3.5" Magnabrites

  • What are these?
  • Captured Lightning sculptures are branching patterns of internal fractures that have been permanently captured deep inside various shapes of crystal-clear acrylic. Technically known as Lichtenberg Figures, they were created by carefully trapping and discharging millions of volts of electrical charge inside pieces of clear acrylic using a high-energy particle accelerator.  These complex, permanent figures are created when the trapped charges suddenly escape in a brief, lightning-like discharge. The intensely hot sparks leave behind permanent "fossilized" tree-like chains of microscopic fractures and tubes that reflect light like microscopic mirrors. Captured Lightning sculptures are fully discharged and are completely safe. They combine the technologies of particle beams and polymer physics with the natural beauty of fractals to create unique creations of scientific art.

  • 12-Inch discharge, unfiltered                  12-Inch discharge, neutral filtered
  • Photos: Theodore Gray
  • (Click on image to see larger view)
  • The birth of a new Captured Lightning sculpture - as trillions of trapped electrons suddenly escape the
  • acrylic, they create a loud bang and a brilliant white flash. The images above show a 12" figure being
  • discharged as viewed normally and through a dark filter. A faint external discharge can also be seen
  • along the top surface in the above right photo.

  • 12-Inch x 12-Inch discharge
Photo: Mike Walker
  • Click on the above image to view a High Definition video clip captured by Theo Gray during
  • our November 2007 production run. The video shows a number of 12" x 12" and
  • 6" x 8" x 3/4" specimens being discharged. Theo's Lichtenberg figures article 
  • appeared in the March, 2008 issue of Popular Science Magazine.

How do we create our Captured Lightning sculptures?
We inject hundreds of trillions of sub-atomic particles, called electrons, into sparkling clear acrylic specimens using a 5 million volt particle accelerator. The injected electrons charge up the interior of the specimens to potentials as high as 2.5 million volts. We then (very carefully!) manually discharge them. This suddenly releases the trapped charges, creating an intense, miniature "lightning bolt" inside the specimens. The high-energy electrical discharges leave behind sparkling branching chains of microscopic tubes and fractures inside the acrylic, creating a permanent "fossil" of the paths taken by the sparks called a Lichtenberg figure. A more detailed explanation about the history, theory, and other interesting properties of these fascinating objects  can be seen here. A simple one-page explanation is also included with every sculpture we ship. Our Captured Lightning sculptures are discharged and completely safe. All are made in the USA, and each one is a unique treasure.

Following is a video clip that shows various parts of the process we use to make these, captured during irradiation sessions over several years:

15 x 20 x 2 Inch Huge museum specimen being discharged with secondary discharges afterwards:

Why did we start making these?
We were fascinated by the incredible beauty and the complex physics of acrylic Lichtenberg Figures but we were continually frustrated by their scarcity. Every now and then, a banged-up specimen would show up in an auction or a flea market, without any explanation of how it was created or where it came from. Our group of fellow physicists and electrical engineers ("Spark Whisperers") decided to conduct independent research into the theory and technique of producing them using particle accelerators. However, since "beam time" and raw materials are very expensive, we also decided to offer specimens to the general public to help fund our experiments. During each new experimental run, we tried to "push the envelope" by creating larger, more complex and artistic figures, and by conducting experiments and measurements that helped us gain a better understanding of the physics and processes involved. Specimens from our latest production runs represent the current state of the art for 2D and 3D acrylic figures. We are proud that many of our specimens reside in museums and are recognized as being World Class in beauty and size.

We offer over forty styles of Captured Lightning Lichtenberg figures. These include affordable 2 inch blocks and disks, a wide selection of medium and large specimens, to mammoth museum-quality 15" x 20" x 2" monoliths for discriminating collectors and institutions. We can create even larger specimens if desired. Every Captured Lightning sculpture ships with a simple one-page explanation about what it is and how it was created. Our newer sculptures may have an amber-tinted layer. This coloration is called solarization, and it is produced by complex interactions between the electron beam, intense X-radiation, and the acrylic. Solarization usually fades over time. The fading process can be accelerated by applying gentle heat or placing sculptures in sunlight. When illuminated by bright blue LED's, the solarization layer often fluoresces lightly with a greenish-yellow color. Some sculptures may develop a slightly foggy/milky appearance from the effects of being irradiated by high-energy electrons. 

How to best display your sculptures:
Images on our site were taken using lighting conditions which intentionally highlighted the delicate internal patterns. For best results, sculptures should be illuminated from at least one edge using LED's or other bright light source(s). The injected light is then reflected by the mirror-like fractures inside the sculpture, making the internal Lichtenberg figure glow brilliantly with the color(s) of the light source. Illuminating a sculpture using light from behind (such as looking through the sculpture at a light source or window actually reduces the sculpture's visibility. Many of our larger sculptures have matching lighted bases with a cavity that secures the sculpture to keep it from falling. We offer a wide variety of standard and custom LED lighted bases that are designed to fully highlight the incredible detail and beauty of our sculptures.
As with snowflakes, every Lichtenberg figure is unique. Although your figure may differ from the examples shown on our web site, we guarantee it will be of similar or better quality. Some specimens have small fractures and light caramel-colored charring along the main paths near the exit point of the discharge. Charring is an unavoidable result of the high-current electrical discharges that create our sculptures, and it virtually disappears when the sculpture is illuminated by one of our light bases.  

By adding suitably engraved or printed metal plaques to our bases, Captured Lightning sculptures make memorable gifts or unique academic, corporate, or retirement awards. We can provide custom plaques, or customers can have their local awards and trophies business make plaques for them. We also offer custom laser engraving for most of our larger sculptures with flat surfaces.
Custom plaques or laser engraving typically adds two weeks to our shipping interval. Captured Lightning sculptures are treasured works of scientific art that will enhance the decor of any room or office. Because demand is high and quantities are limited, we recommend ordering early to avoid possible disappointment. We combine shipping on multiple items whenever possible.

Discharge "Types":

Many of our sculptures are available with two or more discharge types. The appearance of the discharge varies considerably depending on how much electrical charge we inject and how and where we discharge the sculptures. Following are some images that illustrate the most common types of discharges. The exit point of the discharge may be along an edge (edge discharge) or inside one of the large surfaces (interior discharge). In addition, the structure of the discharges may be branching and tree-like (Dendritic), densely branched or fern-like (Bushy Dendritic), a random tangle of discharges (Chaotic), or a mixture of these (Mixed). Specimens may also have more than one discharge location. Some examples should help illustrate discharge types - click on images below to see larger images:

Light Dendritic
Edge, Dendritic
Interior Bushy
Interior Chaotic
Interior Mixed Discharges
"Light" Dendritic (edge)
(lower level of injected charge)
Regular Dendritic (edge)
(moderate level of injected charge)
Bushy/dense Dendritic (interior)
(high level of injected charge)
Interior Chaotic
Mixed Chaotic and Dendritic
Please contact us with your custom ideas, unique requirements. discounts for larger quantities, or special shipping requirements
since our shopping cart software does not automatically apply quantity discounts or shipping alternatives.

 International Customers - please note:
Please read the Ordering Instructions BEFORE completing your order.
International customers MUST select a shipping option to prevent delays in processing your order!

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Stoneridge Engineering LLC is proud to offer the most beautiful Lichtenberg Figures in the world!

  Gallery 1: Styles 2 - 20
  Please read ordering information BEFORE placing your order!

2-Inch Cubes
(Click on image for more information)
(Click here to see video of Style 2 on rotating light base)

2 Inch Beveled Cube
(Click on image for more information)

2-Inch beveled Blocks
(Click on image for more information)
  Style 2 - Two-Inch Lightning Cube
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

Sparkling two-inch polished cube irradiated on all six sides to create a roughly cube-shaped branching discharge region inside.  These are cut from  2-inch cast acrylic sheet so actual dimensions may vary slightly (up to 1/8").  Click on the above image to see larger images.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately.
For color-changing bases, we recommend illuminating with the BD985MC small multicolor base, CR35MC leaded crystal multicolor light base, ROT45MC rotating multicolor light base, or the BD753MC square color changing light base. For brighter ambient lighting, the ideal base is the LM2699 with natural white LED's, the LM2690 in gloss black or rosewood finish, or the BD753W square light base with cool white LED's. AC adapters for models ROT45MC and BD753MC are available only for North American/US power.  However, the ROT45MC can be operated off three AA batteries, but the turntable does not rotate in order to extend battery life. All of the other bases above are available with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options.

Click here to view a short video clip of a Style 2 sculpture on an ROT45MC rotating color-changing light base.

Style 2
Sculpture, with right-angle edges, $85
Discharge Type:
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  Style 2A - Two-Inch Beveled Lightning Cube
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

Gorgeous polished cube with beveled edges, irradiated on all six sides to create a cube-shaped discharge region inside.  These are cut from 2-inch cast acrylic sheet, so actual dimensions may vary slightly (+/- 1/16"). Some sculptures have denser, bushier discharges while others have lighter, more lightning-like discharges. Click on above image to see some examples.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately.
For color changing bases, we recommend illuminating with the
BD985MC small multicolor base, CR35MC leaded crystal multicolor light base, ROT45MC rotating multicolor light base, or the BD753MC square color changing light base. For brighter ambient lighting, the ideal base is the LM2699. Other alternatives include, the LM2690 in gloss black or rosewood finish with natural white LED's, or the BD753W square light base with cool white LED's. AC adapters for models ROT45MC and BD753MC are available only for North American/US power.  However, the ROT45MC can be operated off three AA batteries but the turntable does not rotate in order to extend battery life. All of the other bases above are available with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options.

Style 2A Sculpture, with beveled edges, $90
Discharge Type:
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   Style 4 - 2 x 2 x 3/4 inch Beveled Square
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

One of our more popular styles. Individually cut and polished from cast acrylic sheet, so exact dimensions vary slightly (+/- 1/16") from piece to piece. Approximately 2" x 2" x 3/4" with beveled and polished edges. Available in a variety of interior or edge discharges. Click on the above image to see various discharge options and larger images. Some sculptures have less dense discharges that are a bit more "lightning-like". 

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately.
We recommend using the
BD985MC small multicolor base, CR35MC leaded crystal multicolor light base, or the ROT45MC multicolor rotating light base. The CR35MC is available with power adapters for 120/240 volt North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, and AU power options. AC adapter for the ROT45MC is available only for US power. However, it can be operated off three AA batteries but the turntable does not rotate in order to extend battery life.

Style 4 Sculpture: $28  
Discharge Type:
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Style 54, 2 x 2 x 3/4-Inch Edge Discharge
(Click on image for more information)
(Click here to see short video of a Style 54 on color changing base)

Style 5, 4 x 4 x 3/4 Inch, Blue LED's
(Click on image for more information)

Stye 06A beveled 4 x 4 x 3/4 Inch Sculptures
(Click on image for more information)
Style 54 - 2 x 2 x 3/4 Inch Block
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

One of our most popular styles. Individually cut and polished from cast acrylic sheet, so exact dimensions may vary slightly (+/- 1/16") from piece to piece. Approximately 2" x 2" x 3/4" with square polished edges. Available in either interior or edge discharges.  Discharge root may not always be located in center of an edge or in the center of the interior. Click on the above image to see various discharge options and larger images.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately.
We recommend using the BD985MC small multicolor base that can operate from batteries or an included AC adapter (US power option only). Other lighting options include the CR35MC crystal multicolor light base, or the ROT45MC multicolor rotating light base. The LM2690W or LM2690B rosewood finish light bases with natural white or electric blue LED's also work quite well with this style.

Our LM-series bases can also
be personalized by adding an optional custom plaque. The CR35MC, LM2690W, and LM2690B are available with 120/240 volt power adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options. AC adapters for the ROT45MC are available only for US power. However, the ROT45MC will light up using batteries, but the turntable does not rotate in order to extend battery life.   

Style 54 Sculpture: $26
Discharge Type:
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  Style 5 - 4 x 4 x 3/4 Inch Sculpture and Matching Bases
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

One of our more popular styles. Individually cut and polished from cast acrylic sheet, so exact dimensions may vary slightly (+/- 1/16") from piece to piece. Sculpture dimensions are approximately 4" x 4" x 3/4" with square polished edges. Available in a variety of interior or edge discharges. Some specimens may appear to be lightly fogged when brightly illuminated. Others may have a light yellow-green fluorescent layer that shows up when illuminated by "electric blue" LED's. Discharge root may not always be located in center of an edge or in center of interior. Click on the above image for various discharge options and larger images.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately below. A base is strongly recommended to safely hold your sculpture and to maximize the beauty and exquisite detail of the captured lightning figure within. Our walnut bases come with cool white (7800K), natural white (4000K), warm white (3000K), "electric blue", red, green, or yellow LED's. An RGB multicolor controller with RF remote is also available at additional cost. We also offer an elegant satin black brushed aluminum light base with cool white LED's, All bases are available with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options.

Sculptures can also be laser-engraved with your message and/or company logo. There is a $30 setup charge for logos and $40/sculpture charge for engraving. This option will add two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

Customers can personalize bases by adding a custom plaque by working with their local awards and trophy business. Or, we can add a personalized plaque for you. Having us provide the plaque will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information. Bases are available
with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, UK, EC (Europlug), or AU power options. Other LED color options may be available on a custom basis.

Style 5 Sculpture: $75
Discharge Type:
Matching 4" x 3/4" natural walnut base
  Standard LED colors:
RGB with RF remote: $96
LED Color:
Adapter Type:
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  Style 6A - 4 x 4 x 3/4 Inch Beveled Panel and Matching Bases
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

Similar to Style 5, but three of the front edges are beveled to provide a more elegant appearance. Individually cut and polished from cast acrylic sheet, so exact dimensions may vary slightly (+/- 1/16") from piece to piece. Sculpture dimensions are approximately 4" x 4" x 3/4". Some specimens may appear to be lightly fogged when brightly illuminated by cool white LED's. Others may have a light yellow-green fluorescent layer that shows up when illuminated by blue LED's..Discharge root may not always be located in center of an edge or in center of interior. Click on the above image for larger images and images in various bases.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately below. A base is strongly recommended to safely hold your sculpture and to maximize the beauty and exquisite detail of the captured lightning figure within. Our walnut bases come with cool white (7800K), natural white (4000K), warm white (3000K), "electric blue", red, green, or yellow LED's. An RGB multicolor controller with RF remote is also available at additional cost. We also offer an elegant satin black brushed aluminum light base with cool white LED's, All bases are available with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options.

Sculptures can also be laser-engraved with your message and/or company logo. There is a $30 setup charge for logos and $40/sculpture charge for engraving. This option will add two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

Customers can personalize bases by adding a custom plaque by working with their local awards and trophy business. Or, we can also add a personalized plaque for you. Having us provide the plaque will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information. Available with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, UK, EC (Europlug), or AU power options. Other LED color options may be available on a custom basis.

Style 6A Sculpture: $85
Discharge Type:
Matching 4" x 3/4" natural walnut base
Standar LED colors:       
RGB with RF remote: $96
LED Color:
Adapter Type:
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Style 7 in DK60x75B Walnut Light Base

(Click on image for more information)
Vertical Dendritic Tree in DK60x75B walnut base
(Click on image for more information)
6 Inch Vertical Tree in LM2750
(Click on image for more information)
  Style 7 - 6 x 6 x 3/4 Inch Sculpture & Matching Base
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

Approximately 6" x 6" x 3/4" with square polished edges shown in optional DK60x75B walnut light base. Individually cut and polished from cast acrylic sheet, so exact dimensions may vary slightly from piece to piece. Some sculptures may show light fogging when brightly illuminated by cool white LED's, and a yellow-green fluorescent layer when illuminated by electric blue LED's. Available in classic edge and interior branched (dendritic) discharges. Discharge root may not always be located in center of an edge or in center of interior.

We also have some mixed chaotic/dendritic specimens that self-discharged while being irradiated. These can have very complex discharge patterns, sometimes with a bit of darlening along the major paths. This disappears when the sculpture is illuminated by one of our lighted bases. Some recent sculptures may have two charge layers separated by about 3/16" which further enhances their beauty and complexity.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately below. A base is strongly recommended to safely hold your sculpture and to maximize the beauty and exquisite detail of the captured lightning figure within. Our walnut bases come with cool white (7800K), natural white (4000K), warm white (3000K), "electric blue", red, green, or yellow LED's. An RGB multicolor controller with RF remote is also available at additional cost. We also offer an elegant satin black brushed aluminum light base with cool white LED's, All bases are available with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options.

Sculptures can also be laser-engraved with your message and/or company logo. There is a $30 setup charge and $40/sculpture charge for engraving. This option will add two weeks to the shipping interval. 
Inquire for more information.

Bases can also be personalized by adding an optional custom plaque on the top surface (maximum size 1.1" x 6") or the front-facing surface (maximum 0.63" x 6").  We can also add a personalized plaque for you. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

NOTE: Be sure to also check out Style 08A (6 x 6 x 3/4" with bevels) and our spectacular Style 84  (6 x 6 x 1") sculptures with TWO interacting charge layers with matching walnut light bases! These can be purchased in Gallery 2.
Style 7 Sculpture: $120  
Discharge Type:
Matching 6" x 3/4" black anodized brushed
with cool white LED's: $55

Adapter Type:

Matching 6" x 3/4" natural walnut base
tandard LED colors:      $78 
RGB with RF remote: $108

Base LED Color:
Adapter Type:
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  Style 8A - 6 x 6 x 3/4 Inch Beveled Sculpture & Matching Base
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

Approximately 6" x 6" x 3/4" with three beveled and polished edges. The bottom edge is not beveled so that the sculpture is securely and safely held within the base cavity. Individually cut and polished from cast acrylic sheet, so exact dimensions may vary slightly (+/- 1/16") from piece to piece. Discharge root may not always be located in center of an edge. A few are available with discharge root along the left, top, or right side. Click on the above image to see discharge options and larger images.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately below. A base is strongly recommended to safely hold your sculpture and to maximize the beauty and exquisite detail of the captured lightning figure within. Our walnut bases come with cool white (7800K), natural white (4000K), warm white (3000K), "electric blue", red, green, or yellow LED's. An RGB multicolor controller with RF remote is also available at additional cost. We also offer an elegant satin black brushed aluminum light base with cool white LED's. All bases are available with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options.

Sculptures can also be laser-engraved with your message and/or company logo. There is a $30 setup charge and $40/sculpture charge for engraving. This option will add two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

We can personalize bases by adding an optional custom plaque. This adds $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval. Or, customers can personalize bases by working with their local awards and trophy business.   Inquire for more information.

Style 8A Sculpture: $135
Discharge Type:

Matching 6" x 3/4" cavity base
Black anodized brushed aluminum
with cool white LED's: $55

Adapter Type:

Matching 6" x 3/4" cavity natural walnut base
Standard LED colors:    $78
RGB with RF remote: $108
LED Color:
Adapter Type:
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Style 9A - 4 x 6 x 1/2 Inch Sculpture & Matching Base
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

One of our most popular styles. Individually cut and polished from cast acrylic sheet, so exact dimensions may vary slightly (+/- 1/16") from piece to piece. Approximately 4" x 6" x 1/2" sculpture. Beautiful, crystal clear specimens with dense branching discharges and polished edges. Available in a variety of interior or edge discharges. Some specimens may show slight milkiness through the body of the sculpture when brightly illuminated. Discharge root may not always be located in center of an edge or in center of interior. Click on the above image to see various discharge options and larger images.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately below. We recommend using the GSB1204L (4 inch wide), or the 6 inch wide  GSB1206L  black satin brushed aluminum bases. These bases use bright, cool white LED's. Bases can be personalized by adding an optional custom plaque. See base descriptions for more information. Available with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options. These bases can also be powered from an optional LUMAA3 battery pack for short periods (24 - 48 hours).

Sculptures can also be laser-engraved with your message and/or company logo. There is a $30 setup charge and $40/sculpture charge for engraving. This option will add two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

We can personalize bases by adding an optional custom plaque. This adds $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval. Or, customers can personalize bases by working with their local awards and trophy business.   Inquire for more information. 

Style 9A Sculpture
:  $105
Discharge Type:
Model GSB1204L - 4" x 1/2" cavity light base: $48.00
(For Sculpture Styles 05A, 9A, 14A, and 21A - shorter edge)

with cool white LED's
Adapter Type:

Model GSB1206L - 6" x 1/2" cavity light base: $58.00
(For Sculpture Styles 07A and 09A - longer edge}
with cool white LED's

Adapter Type:

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Interior Discharge

(Click on image for more information)


(Click on image for more information)


(Click on image for more information)
Style 10 - 6 x 8 x 3/4 Inch Sculpture and Matching Bases
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

Lichtenberg figures are seldom seen in this size. These were individually cut and polished from cast acrylic sheet, so exact dimensions may vary slightly from piece to piece. Approximately 6" x 8" x 3/4" with polished edges. Click on the above image to see various discharge options and larger images. The root of the discharge may not always be located in center of an edge or in center of interior. Newer sculptures may show slight milkiness when brightly illuminated, and others may show yellow-green fluorescence when illuminated by bright blue LED's. Some recent sculptures were made with two charge layers separated by about 3/16" to further enhance their beauty.
Light base is not included and must be purchased separately below. A base is strongly recommended to safely hold your sculpture and to maximize the beauty and exquisite detail of the captured lightning figure within. Our walnut bases come with cool white (7800K), natural white (4000K), warm white (3000K), "electric blue", red, green, or yellow LED's. An RGB multicolor controller with RF remote is also available at additional cost. We also offer an elegant satin black brushed aluminum light base with cool white LED's, All bases are available with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options. Overall base dimensions are 4" x 8" x 1" with a beveled top surface.

Sculptures can also be laser-engraved with your message and/or company logo. There is a $30 setup charge for logos and $40/sculpture charge for engraving. This option will add two weeks to the shipping interval. 
Inquire for more information.

Bases can also be personalized by adding an optional custom plaque on the top surface (maximum size 1.1" x 6") or the front-facing surface (maximum 0.63" x 6").  We can also add a personalized plaque for you. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

Style 10 Sculpture: $210
Discharge Type:
Matching 6 inch wide slot black anodized aluminum base.  Brushed finish with cool white LED's: $55
Adapter Type:

Matching 6" x 3/4" natural walnut base
tandard LED colors:      $78 
RGB with RF remote: $108

Base LED Color:
Adapter Type:
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Style 11 - 2.7 x 8 Inch Obelisk and Matching Bases
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

2.7" x 8" x 3/4" Obelisk, cust from cast acrylic sheet with polished edges. Click on the above image to see various discharge options and larger images. Some bushy dendritic or mixed dendritic and chaotic sculptures may have multiple discharge exit points.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately below. We recommend using our natural walnut light bases. Our walnut bases come with cool white (7800K), natural white (4000K), warm white (3000K), "electric blue", red, green, or yellow LED's. An RGB multicolor controller with RF remote is also available at additional cost. You can see images of our DK25x75W bases illuminating Style 16 and Style 24 figures here and hereAvailable with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options. Other LED color options are available on a custom basis.

Sculptures can also be laser-engraved with your message and/or company logo. There is a $30 setup charge for logos and $40/sculpture charge for engraving. This option will add two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.
Bases can be personalized by adding an optional custom plaque. Customer can have their local awards and trophies business personalize these bases by adding a custom plaque to the front-facing surface of the base. Or, we can also add a personalized plaque for you. The latter option will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

Style 11 Sculpture: $90
Discharge Type:
Matching 2.5 inch wide slot natural walnut light base
Standard LED colors:     $48
RGB with RF remote: $78

LED Color:
Adapter Type:
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Style 12 - 4 Inch Beveled Octagon and Matching Base
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

Beautiful branching discharges that are lighter than many other sculptures. Individually cut and polished from cast acrylic sheet, so exact dimensions may vary slightly (+/- 1/16") from piece to piece. Approximately 4" x 3/4" beveled octagon with polished edges.  Click on the above image to see various discharge options and larger images. This style is best displayed flat against a dark background - the above photo was taken in sunlight against black velvet.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately below. This sculpture works well with rur natural walnut bases. Our walnut bases come with cool white (7800K), natural white (4000K), warm white (3000K), "electric blue", red, green, or yellow LED's. An RGB multicolor controller with RF remote is also available at additional cost.

Sculptures can also be laser-engraved with your message and/or company logo. There is a $30 setup charge for logos and $40/sculpture charge for engraving. This option will add two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

Bases can also be personalized by adding an optional custom plaque.
Customer can have their local awards and trophies business personalize these bases by adding a custom plaque to the front-facing surface of the base. We can also add a personalized plaque for you. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval. Available with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options. Other LED color options are available on a custom basis.

Note: we may have some Experimental sculptures in this style that are discounted. Check out our Experimental Sculptures Page.

Style 12 Sculpture: $80
Only a few left!
Discharge Type:
Matching 2.5 inch natural walnut light base
Standard LED colors:   
RGB with RF remote: $78
LED Color:
Adapter Type:
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(Click on image for more information)

Style 13A on CR35MC light base

(Click on image for more information)


(Click on image for more information)
Style 13 - 1.25 x 4.5 Inch Lightning Cylinder
Sorry - temporarily out of stock!
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

These are 1.25" diameter x 4.5" cast acrylic cylinders with a beautiful interior discharge and polished surfaces.  The lensing action of the cylinder magnifies the figure within. Click on the above image to see larger images.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately. We recommend using the CR35MCROT45MC,  or the BD985MC for lower ambient lighting area. For brighter areas, we recommend the BD753MC multicolor base (with nine multicolor LED's), or the LM2690 square base or  LM2692 round base with five natural white LED's. AC adapters for the BD753MC and ROT45MC are available only for North American/US power. However, the ROT45MC can also be operated off three AA batteries, but the turntable does not rotate in order to extend battery life. The other bases can be supplied with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options.

See also our larger Style 13A (to the right) and Style 53 sculptures available in Gallery 2.

Style 13 Sculpture:
Discharge Type:
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Style 13A - 1.5 x 4.5 Inch Two-Layer Lightning Cylinder
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

These cylindrical specimens are 1.5" diameter by 4.5" high. These are larger than the Style 13, and they have TWO charge layers. The discharge layers are interlinked on some specimens ("Windblown Lightning), connected only at the base on others (Parallel Planes), or a have a combination of dense interlinked discharges (self-discharged).  Click on the above image to see various discharge options and larger images.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately. We recommend using the CR35MC ROT45MC,  or the BD985MC for rooms with subdued lighting. For brighter areas, we recommend the BD753MC multicolor light base, the LM2690 square base, or LM2692 round wood bases with an array of five natural white LED's. AC adapters for the BD753MC and ROT45MC are available only for North American/US power. However, the ROT45MC can also be operated off three AA batteries, but the turntable does not rotate in order to extend battery life. All other bases can be supplied with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options.

Style 13A Sculpture: $105
Discharge Type:
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Style 14A - 4 x 1/2 Inch Equilateral Triangle
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

4" x 1/2" equilateral triangle with an interior or edge based discharge - please select which is desired. Discharge root may not always be located in center of an edge or in center of interior. Click on the above image to see various discharge options and larger images.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately. We recommend using  the GSB1204L black satin brushed aluminum base with cool white LED's. This base can also be personalized by adding an optional custom plaque. Customer can have their local awards and trophies business personalize these bases by adding a custom plaque to the front-facing surface of the base. We can also add a personalized plaque for you. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval. Light bases are available with AC adapters for 120/240 volt North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, and AU power options.

Style 14A Sculpture: $55
Discharge Type:
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3 Inch Disk
(Click on image for more information)
Blue Windblown

(Click on image for more information)
(Click here to see a Style 16 sculpture on a rotating light base)

Tesla Figure

(Click on image for more information)
Style 15 3-Inch Disk
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

This style has been replaced by Styles 43 and 44 with a flat on the base. However, we still have a few of these in stock. Beautiful 3" diameter x 3/4" disks with a matte-finished edge. Available only with interior discharges. Click on the above image to see larger images. Not all interior discharges are located in the center.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately. We recommend using the BD985MC, CR35MC multicolor bases or ROT45MC rotating multicolor light base for subdued lighting areas. For brighter rooms, we recommend the LM2690 square base or  LM2692 round base with five natural white LED's. AC adapters for the BD753MC and ROT45MC are available only for North American/US power. However, the ROT45MC can also be operated off three AA batteries but the turntable does not rotate in order to extend battery life. All the other light bases above are available with 120/240 volt AC adapters for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options.

Style 15 Sculpture:  $60
Discharge Type:
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  Style 16 - 3 x 3 x 2 Inch Prism
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

Captured Lightning storms inside approximately 3" x  3" x 2" water-clear prisms. Multiple discharge planes, many with layer-to-layer discharges. Some specimens may show light charring in the heavier paths near the base of the tree - this disappears when the sculpture is illuminated. These are exceptionally beautiful when placed on a white or multicolored LED base. Click on the above image to see various discharge options and larger images. Newer sculptures may have amber layers (solarization) from electron beam irradiation that may fluoresce under blue or UV illumination. Solarization usually fades over time.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately. This style also looks great with our walnut bases. These are available with cool white (7800K), natural white (4000K), warm white (3000K), "electric blue", red, green, or yellow LED's). An RGB multicolor controller with RF remote is also available at additional cost. Overall base size is 3" x 4.5" x 1"

Other bases include the  LM2688 rosewood finish light base with warmer natural white LED's.
Multi-color bases include the BD753MC (with nine multicolor LED's - best for brighter rooms), or the ROT45MC rotating multicolor light base (better suited for subdued lighting areas).  Click here to view a short video clip of a Style 16 specimen on an ROT45MC rotating multicolor light base.

AC adapters for BD753MC and ROT45MC are available only for North American/US power. However, the ROT45MC can be operated off three AA batteries but it does not rotate in order to extend battery life. The other light bases are available with AC adapters for 120/240 volt North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options.

Note: we may have some experimental sculptures in this style and also some larger 4" x 4" x 2" Style 48 experimental sculptures. Check out our Experimental Sculptures.

Style 16 Sculpture:  $210
Discharge Type:
  Matching natural walnut light base
Standard LED colors: $48
RGB with RF remote: $78
LED Color:
Adapter Type:
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Style 18A - 4 x 12 x 1/2 Inch "Tesla" Panel
Sorry - out of Stock
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

"Tesla's Lightning" - Tesla's name written with letters of lightning in a unique 4" x 12" x 1/2"  specimen.  By using lead masks we charged only selected regions of the acrylic to form letters. This allowed us to literally "write" Tesla's name in lightning - a fitting tribute to the Wizard of Lightning.  We also provide an elegant black satin brushed aluminum light base with cool white LED's (model GAB1212L) for these figures. Power adapters are available for 120/240 volt North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options. Only a few of these unique specimens are left - get yours while they're still in stock. Click on the above image for more details.

Style 18A Sculpture
(Sorry - out of stock)
Matching 12 inch wide satin black brushed aluminum light base with white LED's, model GAB1212L: $88.00
Adapter Type:
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2 x 1/2 Inch Disks - stocking stuffers!

(Click on image for more information)

12-Inch Specimens

(Click on image for more information)
Specimen F in Walnut Base
(Click on image for more information)
- Discounted Experimental Sculptures -

For folks on a tighter budget, we have a small number of experimental sculptures. Some have unique or "one of a kind" discharges, while others have self-discharged and show a bit of charring as electron beam current was repetitively being injected and discharged through the figure. These are first-quality test and experimental sculptures being sold at a bargain price. 

Experimental sculptures are discounted 25-40% from similarly-sized sculptures. Click on the above image to see more details and to order your experimental sculptures.

Style 19 - 12 x 12 x 1 Inch Museum Size Sculptures
NOTE: Sculpture and Base must be ordered separately

These magnificent 12" x 12" x 1" specimens are stunning, both in size and in beauty. Individually cut and polished from cast acrylic sheet, so exact dimensions may vary slightly (+/- 1/16") from piece to piece. Discharge root may not always be located in center of an edge or in center of interior. Some sculptures may show light milkiness when brightly illuminated, and a layer that lightly fluoresces a yellow-green color when illuminated by electric blue LED's. In addition to our standard edge or interior discharged specimens, we are now offering spectacular 2D and 3D Masked specimens. These are prized by discriminating collectors and institutions. We can also provide custom, natural walnut light bases with a professional satin finish. Click on image for more product details.

Sculptures can also be laser-engraved with your message and/or company logo. There is a $30 setup charge for logos and $40/sculpture charge for engraving. This option will add two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

Light base is not included and must be purchased separately. Bases can be personalized by adding an optional custom plaque. Customer can personalize their base by having their local awards and trophies business make a custom plaque (recommended maximum size 0.75" x 6.00" to the front-facing surface or 1.25" x 6" to the top surface). We can also add a personalized plaque for you. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

Our walnut base is available w
ith cool white (7800K), warmer natural white (4000K),
warm white (3000K), "Electric Blue", red, green, or yellow LED's.  An RGB multicolor controller and RF remote is also available at extra cost. Please contact us to discuss lighting options. AC power adapters are available for North American/US, EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options. Other color options may be available on a custom basis.

Style 19 Sculpture: $600
Discharge Type:
  12 inch wide custom walnut light base sold separately. Overall dimensions are 5" x 14" x 1.25".
Standard LED colors: $168
RGB with RF remote: $198
LED Color:
Adapter Type:
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Style 72
15 x 20 x 2 Inch Massive Museum Sculptures

sold  with matching solid walnut lighted base

These are among the largest, most spectacular Lichtenberg figure sculptures in the world. One of these huge sculptures is currently on permanent display at the Numbers in Nature exhibit in the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Illinois

These huge 15" x 20" x 2" specimens were passed through the electron beam twice to create two independent charge planes. When discharged, they developed massive dendritic discharges along each plane as well as thousands of shorter discharges between planes. The result is a complex interplay of dendritic discharges that fill a region about one inch thick across almost the entire sculpture. High resolution images of sculptures that are currently available can be seen by clicking on the image above. 

Each sculpture is supplied with a custom solid walnut light base with a professional satin finish. Bases can be supplied with all white LED's, all blue LED's, or (as pictured) one each of white and blue LED strips.
An RGB multicolor controller with RF remote is also available at extra cost. Other color combinations may be available on special order. These bases are designed to gently and safely support your sculpture while highlighting even the infinite detail of the individual discharges. Custom base measures 19" x 8" x 2". Shipping costs are for shipments within the US. Inquire for other lighting options and for shipping costs outside the US.  

Style 72 Sculpture
(Includes custom walnut base)

Sculpture Selection:
Base LED Option:
Power Adapter Option:
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BD985MC Battery and AC-Powered Light Base

(Click on image for larger image)
(Click here to view a short video clip of base in operation)

BD752MC Battery Powered Base
(Click on image for larger image)

BD753MC Light Base
(Click on image for larger image)
   BD985MC - $32   
Battery and AC-Powered Multicolor Light Base

This compact color changing light base is 3" in diameter and 1.25" high. The top surface is mirrored to enhance your sculpture's appearance. It uses a 0.5" x 0.5" array of 4 high-intensity multi-color LED's and slowly cycle through a variety of colors. Some bases also have a white LED. 
The base has an attractive gloss black finish and an ON-OFF switch. The changing colors cycle over a period of 5 - 10 seconds. Base can be powered from three AAA alkaline batteries (not included) or from a included 4.5VAC AC adapter.. When powered from batteries, the estimated running time is 30-40 hours. Since this base has only 4 LED's, it works best with smaller sculptures in areas with subdued lighting. For brighter locations, we suggest using the BD753MC instead.  Standard base comes with a two-pin US/North American power adapter (see image above).  Power adapters for UK, EC, or AU power can also be selected as an option. Base can also be powered from any standard USB port via supplied cable. 

Base is ideal for many of our smaller sculptures such as Styles 2, 2A, 4, 13, 13A, 23, 29, 31, 43, 45, 47, and 54
Captured Lightning sculptures.

  Model BD985MC light base:
Adapter Type:

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Sorry - product discontinued

  Please use BD985MC or BD753MC as alternatives


BD753MC and BD753W - $32
Medium Power Multicolor or White Base

These compact light bases are 2.75" x 2.75" x 3/4" and comes with a choice of multicolor-color changing or bright white LED's. Each base uses a 0.75" x  0.75" square array of 9 high-intensity LED's to brilliantly light your specimen. The multicolor version continually cycles through a variety of colors.
As the colors change, they illuminate various regions of the figure, creating a beautiful continually blending and shifting display. The white LED base bathes your figure in cool white light, and works very well for areas that have brighter ambient lighting, such as offices. The black plastic exterior has an attractive matte finish. These bases are significantly brighter than the BD985MC. Adapter output: 12 volts DC @ 300 mA, via a 1.3 mm center-positive connector. Note: This base is currently only available with an adapter for 120 Volt 60 Hz North American/US power.

Recommended for many of our 3/4" and thicker specimens such as Style  2, 2A, 13, 13A, 16, 29, 30, 31, 45, 46, 47, and 53
Captured Lightning sculptures. Customer can personalize this base by adding a custom plaque as large as 0.63" x 2.5" to the front-facing surface. We can also add a personalized plaque for you. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

  Model BD753MC or BD753W light base:  $32.00
LED color:
Adapter Type:
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GSB1904L 4 Inch wide bases

GSB1906L 6 Inch wide bases

(Click on images for larger view)

CR35MC Light Base
(Click on image for larger image)

4.5 Inch Rotating Multicolor Base
(Click on image for larger image)
(Click here to see short video clip of base in operation)
GSB Series Black Satin Brushed Aluminum Bases
with cool white LED's, $45 (4") or $55 (6")

Brushed aluminum base with a sleek satin black finish. These bases have a row of bright cool white LED's to fully illuminate 4" or 6" wide Captured Lightning sculptures. These are available for 1/2" and 3/4" thick sculptures. The GSB12xxx series is for 1/2" thick sculptures and the GSB19xxx series is for 3/4" sculptures. Bases have a velvet-lined cavity to snugly hold and illuminate our Captured Lightning sculptures. 
Front surface of the base is flat to accept an optional custm plaque to create a treasured personalized award. GSB series bases are 1.875" high and about 4.5" or 6.5" long.  Base is supplied with a power adapter  - choose between 120 volt North American/US, or 240 volt EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power adapter options. These bases can also be powered from an optional LUMAA3 battery pack for 24 - 48 hours.

Customers can personalize this base by having their local awards and trophies business add a custom plaque to the front-facing surface. We can also add a personalized plaque for you. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information. Recommended plaque sizes are 3" x 1" for GSB1204L or GSB1904L,  or 4" x 1" for the GSB1206L or GSB1906L.

Model GSB1204L - 4 inch wide x 1/2" cavity light base: $48.00
(For Sculpture Styles 05A, 9A, 14A, and 21A - shorter edge)

Adapter Type:

Model GSB1206L - 6 inch wide by 1/2" cavity light base: $58.00
(For Sculpture Styles 07A, 09A - longer edge, and 10A)

Adapter Type:

Model GSB1904L - 4 inch wide x 3/4" cavity light base: $48.00
(For Sculpture Style 05 and 06A)

(Sorry - Out of  Stock)
Adapter Type:

Model GSB1906L - 6 inch wide x 3/4" cavity light base: $55.00
(For Sculpture Styles 07, 08A, and 10 (short edge))
Adapter Type:

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CR35MC - $33  
  Leaded Crystal Multi-color Base 

This base uses seven high intensity color LED's centered in an octagonal genuine crystal base with spherical crystal feet. Base is approximately 3.00 inches in diameter x 1.5 inches high, with ON/OFF switch. It slowly sequences through various colors, brilliantly illuminating the sculpture above. Ideal for our cylindrical and spherical sculptures and 2.5" Manabrites. Base can support up to 3 pounds. This base is supplied with a power adapter - choose between 120 volt North American/US, or select a 240 volt EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power adapter option.

Ideal for styles 2, 2A, 4, 13, 13A, 15, 16, 23, 29, 30, 31, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 53, or 54 Captured Lightning sculptures. Customer can personalize this base by adding a custom plaque as large as 0.5" x 1.5" to the top surface. We can also add a personalized metal plaque for you. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

Model CR35MC light base: $33.00
Adapter Type:

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   ROT45MC - $32
Rotating Multi-color Base

Uses seven color LED's centered in a mirrored 4.0" diameter turn-table with an ON/OFF switch. Base automatically sequences through various light colors, and also rotates at about 1 RPM when powered from the included 120 volt AC adapter. This base is recommended only for lower ambient lighting conditions. For brighter lighting environments, especially commercial offices, a base with brighter LED's is needed. These include the BD753MC (multicolor color changing), or the LM2690, LM2692, or LM2699 (with natural white LED's). The ROT45MC can support up to 4 pounds. Click here to view a short video clip showing the base rotating and changing colors in subdued lighting conditions or against a dark background. The sleek 4.5" diameter base works either from an AC adapter (included, US 120 VAC power only) or it can light the LED's (with no rotation) from three "AA" batteries (not included). Adapter output: 6 VAC @ 300 mA, via a 2.5 or 2.1mm connector. NOTE: This power adapter for this base is only available for 120 volt North American/US power.

Ideal for sculpture styles 2, 2A, 4, 13, 13A, 14, 16, 29, 30, 31, 41, 42, 43, 47, 53, or 54 Captured Lightning sculptures. Customer can personalize this base by adding a custom plaque as large as 0.63" x 1.75" to the top surface. We can also add a personalized plaque for you. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval. Inquire for more information.

Model ROT45MC light base: $32.00
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LM2690BPL Light Base

4 Inch diameter black base with white LED's

LM2699 Light Base

LM2690 - $28
Square LED Light Base
With gloss black finish and natural white LED's

This base comes with five bright natural white LED's, housed in a wood base with either a beautiful high gloss "piano" black finish.  Base measures 3.5" x 3.5" x 1", and comes with a choice of a 120 volt power adapter for North American/US, or an optional  240 volt EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power adapter. These bases can also be powered from an optional LUMAA3 battery pack. Base will operate off battery pack for 24 - 48 hours.

This elegant, cool-running light base works well with Styles 2, 2A, 13, 13A, 15, 20, 22, 29, 30, 31, 41, 43, 44, 47, 53, or 54 Captured Lightning sculptures,
and also for many popular laser art crystals or leaded crystal sculptures. Base can support up to 7 pounds.

This base can be personalized by adding a custom metal plaque to either the top surface (3" x 1") or front-facing surface (3" x 3/4"). We can also add a personalized plaque for you. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

Model LM2690 light base: $28.00
Base Finish:
Adapter Type:
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LM2692 - $35
Round LED Light Base
With gloss black finish and natural white LED's

This base uses an array of five bright natural white LED's housed in an elegant wood base with a beautiful  gloss black "piano" finish. Measures 4" in diameter at the bottom, the top surface is approx. 3 1/4" in diameter, and the base is about 1" high. Each base is supplied with a power adapter - select 120 volt North American/US, or 240 volt EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power adapter options.  This base can also be powered from an optional LUMAA3 battery pack for 24 - 48 hours.

This elegant, cool-running light base is recommended for styles 2, 2A, 13, 13A, 15,  22, 29, 30, 41, 43, 44, 47, 53, or 54 Captured Lightning sculptures. Also ideal for
many popular laser art crystals, leaded crystal art vases, or heavy glass sculptures. Customer can personalize this base by adding a custom plaque as large as 0.5" x 1.5" to the top surface. We can also add a personalized plaque for you. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

Model LM2692 light base: $35.00
Base Finish:
Adapter Type:
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LM2699 - $37
Optical Crystal LED Light Base
With gloss rosewood finish and natural white LED's

These bases have an array of bright natural white LED's housed in a rosewood finish base with a beautiful gloss "piano" finish and an elegant pyramidal shape. As with fine furniture, the deep finish uses at least 10 coats of high gloss lacquer. The top is slightly recessed, with a shallow square black felt-covered cavity that is slightly larger than 2" x 2". This makes it ideal for gently cradling our 2" Lightning Cubed sculptures (Styles 02 or 02A). This base also works with our 3" cubes (Style 22). In this case, the sculpture rests on top of the top of the base. The LM2699 is also ideal for displaying spheres and cylinders.  Base is provided with an AC power adapter - select 120 volt North American/US, or 240 volt EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power adapter options. These bases can also be powered from an optional LUMAA3 battery pack for 24 - 48 hours.

The LM2699 is the perfect choice to complement Styles 2, 2A, 22, 29, 30, 31, and 47
Captured Lightning sculptures or for most popular laser art crystals or leaded crystal sculptures. Overall size: 4" x 4" x 1.5".  Customers can personalize the base by adding a custom plaque as large as 1" x 2" to the front-facing surface. We can also add a personalized plaque for you. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

Model LM2699 2" x 2" light base: $37.00
Base Finish:
Adapter Type:
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LM2688RPL Light Base
LM2688 - 4.5" x 3.5" x 1"

LM2689BGL Satin Black Finish
SLC2689BGL - 6.5" x 3.5" x 1" (Satin black, white or blue LED's)
SLC2689BPL -
6.5" x 3.5" x 1" (Gloss black, white or blue LED's)


GAB1212L 12 Inch Light Base
GAB1212L - 12" wide x 1/2" and
GAB1912L - 12" wide x 3/4"
Black Satin Brushed Aluminum

Battery Holder for LM Series Bases

Other Bases

LM2688 ($37) and SLC2689 ($46)
  White LED Light Bases

These bases use a row of bright natural white  LED's housed in a rosewood or satin black finish base with
a professional high gloss "piano" finish consisting of at least 10 coats of lacquer.  The top and front-facing surfaces are flat to accommodate an optional metal plaque to create a unique, personalized award. Each base is supplied with a power adapter. Select 120 volt North American/US, or 240 volt EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options. These bases can also be powered from an optional LUMAA3 battery pack for 24 - 48 hours.
The LM2688 measures 4.5" x 3.5" x 1" with a row of 6 white LED's in a line that measures about 3" x 1/4". This base w
orks very well with our styles 16, and 24 Captured Lightning sculptures.  Customer can personalize this base by adding a custom plaque as large as 0.75" x 3.5" to the front-facing surface. We can also add a personalized plaque - this will add $20 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.
The  SLC2689 series bases measure 6.5" x 3.5" x 1" and have a series of white or blue LED's in a lines about 4" x 1/4". This base is ideal
for our Style 25 Lich Bricks.  Available with gloss black or satin black finish. We can also personalize this base by adding a custom plaque as large as 0.75" x 4.5" to the front-facing surface. We can also add a personalized plaque for you - this will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information.

Model LM2688 4.5 x 3.5" rosewood finish light base: $37.00
Base Finish:
Adapter Type:

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Model SLC2689 6.5 x 3.5" light base: $46.00
Finish and LED Color:
Adapter Type:

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GAB1212L (12 x 1/2 inch) and GAB1912L (12 x 3/4 inch)
White LED Light Bases - $88

These 12 inch bases are made of brushed aluminum with a satin black anodized finish and bright, cool white LED's. Your Captured Lightning sculpture is held snugly within a velvet lined cavity.  We can also add a personalized plaque to the flat front-facing surface to convert this to an award. This will add $25 to the cost and two weeks to the shipping interval.  Inquire for more information. The overall base dimensions are 2" high x  3" x 13".  

All bases are supplied with an AC power adapter. Select 120 volt North American/US, or 240 volt EC (Europlug), UK, or AU power options.

Designed for styles 18A and 21 sculptures (12" x 1/2")
Model GAB1212L light base: $88.00
Adapter Type:
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Designed for 12" x 3/4" thick specimens
Model GAB1912L light base: $88.00
Adapter Type:
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LUMAA3 4.5V Battery Holder
(Sorry - Out of Stock)

This is a small battery holder with a short (one foot) cord that can provide power to many of our smaller LM-series and GSB-series bases. The holder also has a handy ON-OFF switch. Works with LM2688, SLC2689, LM2699, LM2690, and LM2692, GSB1204L, GSB1206L, GSB1904L, and GSB1906L light bases. The LUMAA3 can be used with three 1.5V AA alkaline or rechargeable batteries. Battery-life varies depending on the number of LED's in the base and battery chemistry, but is generally between 24 and 48 hours.

Model LUMAA3 battery holder: $9
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Other Light Bases are also available!

In addition to illuminating Captured Lightning figures, our bases are also ideal for illuminating fine crystal, glass art, or laser art. Please call us (224-252-0916)  or email us if you don't see exactly what you need. Chances are we either have another style base in stock, or we can quickly order one that will meet your needs from our network of high-quality LED lighting suppliers. 

Link to Gallery 2...
Link to Experimental Sculptures Page...
Link to Eye Candy Page...
Link to What are these?
Gallery 2
(Styles 21+)
Experimental Sculptures
20-40% off!
"Eye Candy"
Some of our best work
What are these and HOW were they made?

Ordering Instructions: 
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A. International  - orders shipping to destinations outside the USA:
1. To avoid processing delays, please select a shipping option (see black box below) so that we can rapidly pack and ship your order.
This covers the added cost for processing and shipping international orders. It also allows you to select the desired delivery interval. International orders submitted without an International Shipping Option will be delayed and may be cancelled after 5 days. Your total shipping cost will be the SUM of domestic shipping charge and the cost for the selected international shipping option. 

2. Please use our shopping cart and checkout processes whenever possible. Our shopping cart supports secure online payment via all major credit cards or (at your option) via your PayPal account. Currency conversion to US Dollars (USD) is also supported for all major currencies. If you experience any problems or have any questions, please contact us. For large orders, we also accept bank Wire Transfers, however, a USD $16 service charge will be applied to your order to cover our bank's service fee.  For your protection, please do NOT send credit card information through an email - email is NOT secure!

3. All address information must be provided using English characters. Hanzi or kanji logograms cannot be used on US Customs documents.

4. Please do NOT ask us to mark your shipment as a "gift" or to artificially mark down the cost of your purchased items. This violates postal laws for both of our countries, subjects us to possible customs fines, and creates a major problem with insurance coverage should your package become lost or damaged.

5. Please note that service
fees, VAT, or other import duties may also be charged by your country's Customs or postal systems. We do not collect VAT or GST,  we have no control over these charges, nor can we prepay them on your behalf. These can include VAT, and Custom Duties, and additional Customs Handling Fees (UK Royal Post).

6. Remember that international delivery intervals may sometimes exceed 30 business days, especially during holiday mailing periods. Please order early to avoid possible disappointment. Regular Priority Mail shipping is recommended for most customers since it provides tracking and quicker delivery.

International Customer Shipping Options and Cost Adder
To complete your international order, please select ONE of the shipping options below and then add it to cart.  

First Class Mail International:

This option is ONLY available for a very small (2-inch) sculpture or a few shrunken coins
where the package weighs less than 8 ounces.

Typical Interval: 15 - 45 business days. Tracking in most countries.

ALL International Destinations: USD $16.00
Priority Mail Small Flat Rate International:
Priority Mail Small Flat Rate International:
ONLY available for small items that will all fit inside a 5" x 8" x 1.25" box
Typical Interval: 7 - 18 business days, with tracking
CANADIAN Destinations ONLY: USD $23.00
ALL Other International Destinations: USD $32.00

Regular Priority Mail International:
The most popular international shipping option.
Typical Interval: 7 - 18 business days, with tracking
CANADIAN Destinations ONLY: USD $32.00
ALL Other International Destinations: USD $47.00

Priority Mail Express International:
Typical Interval: 3 - 6 business days, with tracking and insurance.
CANADIAN Customers ONLY: USD $47.00
ALL Other International Destinations: USD $64.00

B. Domestic - orders shipping to destinations within the USA:
1. Our shopping cart uses PayPal to securely process your online credit card payment.
Please call us (+1-224-252-0916) if you are having any difficulty completing your order.  We also accept Money Orders or checks. However, if you are paying by check, please allow 5 days to clear. We also accept purchase orders and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments from qualifying companies and educational institutions. For security, please DO NOT send your credit card information through an email message - email is NOT secure!

2. Shipping and Handling costs shown in the Lichtenberg Figure Galleries reflect costs to ship individual items to destinations within the US and US Protectorates using Priority Mail for larger or multiple items and USPS Ground Advantage for small items.  Our shopping cart software combines shipping for multiple items to reduce your overall shipping costs. 

3. Illinois customers will be charged 7.75% Retail Sales Tax unless the customer provides us with an Illinois Tax Exemption number. Please contact us  directly for this situation.

4. We can also provide expedited (overnight) shipping for an extra charge. Please contact us  directly for a quote.

C. Other Information:
1. Our inventory of sculptures is limited to our existing stock. We normally make our Captured Lightning sculptures only once or twice a year. We continually update our web site sales pages to show only items that are currently in stock.
We usually ship within 1-3 business days via US Postal Service.

2. We can supply larger quantities of most styles within 8-10 weeks. We can also create custom figures or irradiate customer-provided specimens. Please contact us
(+1 224-252-0916 or to discuss your specific requirements and to obtain a quote.

3. Custom plaques can be added to many of our lighted bases, or we can provide laser engraving (including corporate logos) to the flat surfaces of our sculptures to convert them to treasured personalized gifts or corporate awards.  Please contact us (+1 224-252-0916 or regarding your specific requirements, volume discounts, and to obtain a quote. Either option usually adds two weeks to our shipment interval.

4. We do offer volume discounts. For orders over 20 pieces, please contact us (+1 224-252-0916 or BEFORE placing your order so that we may provide you with a custom quote, reserve your specimens, and confirm that we have sufficient inventory to meet your needs. Dealers please note: We can customize the one-page informational material provided with sculptures to contain your logo and contact information.

Our Satisfaction Guarantee:

We strive to delight our customers. You have a 14-day inspection period after receiving your item(s). Light bases are warranted for workmanship defects for a period of one year after purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied, please contact us, via email or at our business number (+1 224-252-0916) to let us know the nature of the problem and whether you'd prefer a replacement or a refund. Returned items must be sent to our business address below. 

View Your Shopping Cart:

Pay me securely using any major credit card through PayPal
    PayPal Small Business Logo
Visa MasterCard Discover American Express 

Money Orders or checks should be payable to "Captured Lightning, LLC" and mailed to:
Captured Lightning, LLC
22010 W Washington St
Grayslake, IL  60030-1052 
Voice: +1 224-252-0916

Other Places to Visit:
Link to Tesla Information Center
Link to Quarter Shrinker
Link to 345 kV Switch MPEG
Link to 10-Inch Tesla Coil Link to Shrunken Coins Page
Tesla Info Center
The "Quarter Shrinker"
BIG Arcs & Sparks
10" Tesla Coil
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