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Special "Eye Candy" Page for Lichtenberg Figures
This page contains higher resolution images that demonstrate some of the best work by
Stoneridge Engineering LLC or our partners.  Many of these sculptures were created
as one-time experiments or as limited editions and are not available for sale. A few
may be available on special request - please contact us for details.

Stoneridge Engineering LLC is the world's premier source for rare
  and beautiful "Captured Lightning " Sculptures
(Updated 02/27/22)

Other places to visit:
Gallery 1: Captured Lightning Sculptures

  Gallery 2: Captured Lightning

Discounted/Experimental Sculptures

What ARE these and how did we make them?

2x2 Beveled Discharge

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 04 (2" x 2" x 3/4") beveled Lichtenberg figure being created

4x4 inch Discharge

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 05 (4" x 4" x 3/4") Lichtenberg figure being created.
Typical discharge current was 500-600 amps, and charge
plane voltage was about 1.6 million volts

4x6 Inch Discharge

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 09 (4" x 6" x 1/2") horizontal edge Lichtenberg
figure as it's being discharged
4 x 6" discharge

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 09 (4" x 6" x 1/2") Vertical tree Lichtenberg
figure as it's being discharged.

12 Inch Discharge

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 19 (12" x 12" x 1")  Lichtenberg figure being
discharged. Bluish-colored external surface discharges
can also be seen  propagating across the top surface.

12 Inch Discharge

(Click on image for larger image)

Another Style 19 (12" x 12" x 1")  Lichtenberg
figure being discharged. The green color of acrylic
is from solarization  from e-beam irradiation.

12 Inch Discharge

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 19 (12" x 12" x 1")  Lichtenberg figure being created.
The internal charge plane potential was ~2.2 million volts,

and the estimated peak current was ~3500 amperes.

12 Inch Discharge

(Click on image for larger image)

Another Style 19 (12" x 12" x 1")  Lichtenberg figure
being discharged. The high discharge current
creates a brilliant flash and a loud bang.

Thermoluminescent Calcite

(Click on image for larger image)
Dr. Timothy Koeth, holding a glowing calcite crystal. High
energy electrons excite trace manganese atoms within the
crystal. As they release their excess energy, they emit orange
light for hours. The phenomenon is called thermoluminescence.

Windblown Lightning

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 16, with "Windblown Lightning"
(plane-to-plane) discharges
(Available in Gallery1)

3" x 3" x 2" Prism

(Click on image for larger image)
Style 16, with "Windblown Lightning" discharges.
Specimen was irradiated on two sides, then discharged
(Available in Gallery1)
African Tree

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 16, "African Tree" discharges
Specimen was irradiated on two sides, then discharged
in the middle of one of the large surfaces

(Available in Gallery1)

6" x 8" in Base

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 10 (6" x 8" x 3/4") Lichtenberg Figure
illuminated by a DK60x75B light base

(May be available in Gallery1)


(Click on image for larger image)

Style 15 (3" diameter x 3/4") Lichtenberg
Figure on blue light base

(May be available in Gallery1)

1.5" cube

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 01 (1.5" cube) Lichtenberg Figure 
on ROT45MC rotating light base


4" Cube Discharge

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 22 (3" Cube) Lichtenberg
Figure being discharged. Internal voltage
on charge planes was over 2 million volts.

4" Cube Discharge

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 59 (4" Cube) Experimental Lichtenberg Figure being manually
. Multiple passes through the beam were used to created
six separate, but linked,
internal charge planes.

Group of Cubes, Natural Light

(Click on image for larger image)

A group of Styles 01, 02, and 22 Cube Lichtenberg
Figures illuminated by natural light

(Available in Gallery1 and Gallery 2)
3" Cube, Natural Light

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 22 (3" cube) Lichtenberg Figure in natural light
(Available in Gallery2)

3" Cube on ROT45MC
(Click on image for larger image)

Style 02 (2" cube) Lichtenberg Figure on ROT45MC Base
(Available in Gallery1)

3" Cube on Multicolor Base

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 22 (3" cube) Lichtenberg figure on blue light base
(Available in Gallery1) 
2" Cube on BD753W
(Click on image for larger image)

Style 22 Lichtenberg Figure on white light base
(Available in Gallery2)

2" sphere

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 29 (2" diameter) Ball Lightning Figure
on a color-changing light base. Discharge
point is on the opposite side.

(Available in Gallery2)

3" shpere, BD753MC

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 30 (3" diameter)Ball Lightning Figure
on a color-changing multicolor light base

(Available in Gallery2)

3" Sphere on BD753MC

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 30 (3" diameter Ball Lightning Sphere)
on a color-changing multicolor light base 

(Available in Gallery2)

3" Sphere on CR35MC

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 30 (3" Ball Lightning Sphere) on a
 color-changing multicolor crystal light base

(Available in Gallery2)

3" Sphere on CR35MC
(Click on image for larger image)

Style 30 (3" Ball Lightning Sphere)
on a
color-changing multicolor crystal light base

(Available in Gallery2)
2.5" Sphere on BD754W

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 47 (2.5" diameter) Ball Lightning sphere
on a white LED Light Base  

(Available in Gallery2)

3" Sphere on BD754W

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 30 Ball Lightning sphere
on a white LED Light Base 

(Available in Gallery2)

4x6 inch Hi-res

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 09A (4" x 6" x 1/2") panel edge lit from all
four sides by custom lighting fixture
(Available in Gallery1)

4" x 12" Edge Discharge

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 21A (4" x 12" x 1/2" "Long John") Lichtenberg
figure being created.

Lich Jewel, White LED's

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 24 Lichtenberg Jewel on white light base
(No longer available)

Lich Jewel, White LED's

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 24 Lichtenberg Jewel on custom light base
with plaque added to create an award

(No longer available)

Lich Jewel, White LED's

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 24 Lichtenberg Jewel, "Heavy Weather"
on a white LED light base

Lich Jewel, Heavy Weather, side

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 24 Lichtenberg Jewel - "side view of
"Heavy Weather" specimen

Lich Jewel, Blue LED's

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 24 Lichtenberg Jewel on BD750MC light base

(African Tree is no longer available)

2.5" Magnabrite

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 45 (2.5" diameter) Magnabrite Figure
illuminated by blue LED's

(Available in Gallery 2)

2.5" Magnabrite - edge lit

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 45 Magnabrite Lichtenberg Figure
being illuminated on an edge

(Available in Gallery 2)

2.5" Magnabrite on ROT45MC

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 45 Magnabrite Lichtenberg Figure on LF45BW
walnut base, on ROT45MC rotating light base
(Available in Gallery 2)

2.5" Magnabrite on ROT45MC

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 45 Magnabrite Lichtenberg Figure on LF45BW base on
ROT45MC rotating color-changing light base

(Available in Gallery 2)

Lich Brick

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 25 (2" x 3" x 6") Lich Brick Magnabrite Lichtenberg
Figure on custom walnut base with cool white LED's

(Available in Gallery 2)

Lich Brick

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 25 Lich Brick Lichtenberg dual dendritic (2-layer)
sculpture on a custom walnut light base
with "electric blue" LED's
(May be available in Gallery 2)

Huge Double-Layer 2" thick Specimens

(Click on image for larger image)

Custom Museum specimen - Approx 13.7" x 17.9"
on custom light base with white and blue LED's

(No longer available) 

Tesla Figure

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 18 (4" x 12" x 1/2") "Tesla" Lichtenberg
Figure on LM2760 white light base.

(May be available in Gallery 1)

Varian Sign

(Click on image for larger image)

Custom figure with multicolor cherry base
commissioned by a corporate executive.
Actual size of figure is 5" x 18" x 1/2"

(Not Available)

Female Symbol (Masked)

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 05 (4" x 4" x 3/4") Custom masked Lichtenberg
Masked figure of a female symbol or "Phoenix" is in a custom walnut
light base. A number of specimens with various masked
shapes may be available -  please inquire

Log Spiral - discharge

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 05 Masked "log spiral"Lichtenberg
figure being created. Finished specimen
can be seen in the next pane to the right.

Log Spiral (Masked)

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 05 (4" x 4" x 3/4") masked Captured Lightning
"Log Spiral" sculpture on a custom walnut light base 

(May be available - please inquire)

Lightning Planets

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 10 (6" x 8" x 3/4") Custom masked Lichtenberg
Figure on a DK60x75B light base
(Not Available)

Dense "Mossy Agate" discharges

(Click on image for larger image)

Style 10 (6" x 8" x 3/4") with extremely dense
"Mossy Agate" discharges on a custom walnut light base
(Not available)

Oak Tree
(Click on image for larger image)

Experimental Oak Tree sculpture
A work of art ("Shockfossil"
) created by Todd Johnson
(Not Available)

Spiral Figure

(Click on image for larger image)


"Spiral Galaxy" shaped sculpture. Another
experimental  Shockfossil created by Todd Johnson

(May be available - please inquire)

Megavolt Swallowtail

(Click on image for larger image)

"Megavolt Swallowtail" - another experimental 
created by Todd Johnson
(Not available)

(Click on image for larger image)

"100 Nanoseconds" - another
Shockfossil sculpture by
Todd Johnson done in a retro/steampunk style
(Not available)


(Click on image for larger image)

"Yin-Yang" symbol - another experimental  Shockfossil
that uses two pieces of acrylic, one illuminated with red,
the other with blue LED's. Created by
Todd Johnson
(not available)

(Click on image for larger image)

Another experimental  Shockfossil
  that uses two pieces of
acrylic, one illuminated with red, the other with green LED's
in a custom oak light base. Created by
Todd Johnson
(not available)

Dual 18" Custom

(Click on image for larger image)

"Colliding Lightning" - a pair of huge 18" x 18" x 1"
sculptures illuminated by a special dual light fixture.
One specimen is illuminated by white LED's, and the
other with blue. Sculptures can be rotated in various
orientations for different effects.

(Commissioned for an art collector - not available)

Dual 18" figures
(Click on image for larger image)

Previous sculpture with one figure rotated 90 degrees.
Custom sculpture was commissioned by an art collector

(Commissioned for an art collector - not available)

Dual 18" Sculpture
(Click on image for larger image)

Previous sc
ulpture with a different, very dense
sculpture substituted for a simple dendritic one. 

(Commissioned for an art collector - not available)

15" x 20" x 2" Museum Figure
(Click on image for larger image)

Massive 15" x 20" x 2" Monolith illuminated by its custom
walnut base. Originally commissioned by an art collector.
(Some may be available in Gallery 1)

(Click on image for larger image)

5" x 18" custom sculpture in black anodized light base.
Sculpture  was then laser engraved to create a powerful
image for a high-tech intellectual information company
Smaller 12" x 4" sculptures are available in Gallery 2)
(18" x 5" available on special order - please inquire)

Style 19 Masked 3D sculpture

(Click on image for larger image)

3D "Ripples in a Pond" discharge pattern created by Todd Johnson.
Specimen uses two precision masks and two passes through the
electron beam to create a sinuous discharge pattern that alternates
between two discharge  layers that are separated by about 1/2 inch.
(May be available - see Style 19 3D Masked)

Custom Acrylic Guitar Body

(Click on image for larger image)

Experimental acrylic guitar body, custom irradiated for a customer.
The symmetric discharges almost resemble matched veneer...

(Customer must provide guitar blank - please inquire)

"Tree of Life" back-to-back arcs

(Click on image for larger image)

A pair of 6 inch semicircular shapes oriented back-to-back
to form a "Tree of Life" sculpture
(Sorry - not Available)

LF21A in a Shadow Box

(Click on image for larger image)

Dale Kern mounted one of our style 21A (4" x 12" x 1/2") sculpture inside
this beautifully crafted figured cherry and walnut shadow box. Illumination
is provided by blue LED's. Dale is the master woodworker who makes our
custom walnut light bases. (Sorry - Not available)

World Tree

(Click on image for larger image)
Photo Credit:  Ban Nardi

"World Tree"
A spectacular piece of artwork by Barb Pool
with four-Inch Captured Lightning sphere
Actual Size: 14"T x 6"W x 7"D
vailable - please inquire)

Matrixed Lightning

(Click on image for short video clip)

"Matrixed Lightning" - 3D Masked sculpture with two interlinked mask layers.
To better view the 3D pattern, click on above image to see a short video clip
of sculpture being slowly rotated. Actual size is 8" x 8" x 1.5".

(May be available - please inquire)

Style 19 Masked 3D sculpture

(Click on image for short video clip)

  3D "Log Spiral Lightning" sculpture with two interlinked mask layers.

To better view the 3D pattern, click on above image to see a short video
 clip of sculpture being slowly rotated. Actual size of sculpture in the
video clip is 12 x 12 x 1.5".

(May be available - please inquire)

Log Spiral, 8" x 8" x 1.5"

(Click on image for short video clip)

  3D "Log Spiral Lightning" sculpture with two interlinked mask layers
To better view the 3D pattern, click on above image to see a short video clip
of sculpture being slowly rotated. Actual size is 8" x 8" x 1.5".

(May be available - please inquire)

Cube-Octahedron on rosewood base

(Click on image for larger image)

A "Cube-Octahedron" - a 14-sided sculpture with complex 3D  discharges.
This experimental specimen was created during our Fall 2013 run by rotating
it while it was being irradiated using multiple passes through the beam.
Actual size is about 4" from corner to corner.

(May be available - please inquire)

Cube-Octahedron, another view

(Click on image for larger image)

Another view of the previous specimen with complex 3D internal discharges.
Actual size is about 4" from corner to corner.

(May be available - please inquire)

Cube-Octahedron - another view

(Click on image for larger image)

A hand-carved ukulele body, created by master Chicago luthier Goeff Benge.
Masked and irradiated by Bryan Peterson during our Fall 2014 run.

(Not Available)

Also, check out the Lichtenberg Figures from our artistic friends:
Aetheric Modulator Todd Johnson's "Shock Fossils" at

See our other sculpture-related web pages:

To Gallery 1...
To Gallery 2...
To Experimental Sculptures Page...
What are these?
Gallery 1
(Styles 1-20, & 54)
Gallery 2
(Styles 21-47)
Experimental Sculptures
20-40% off!
What ARE these, and how were they made?

Some Other Places to Visit:
Tesla Information Center
Quarter Shrinker
Link to 345 kV Switch MPEG
10" Tesla Coil Delaware Quarter
Tesla Info Center
The "Quarter Shrinker"
BIG Arcs & Sparks
10" Tesla Coil
Get Shrunken Coins!

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