Captured Lightning sculptures, individual Style 54 images

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Stoneridge Engineering is THE Source
for Rare and Beautiful Lichtenberg Figures!
(Page updated 03/25/25 - may change without notice)

Style 54 - 2 x 2 x 0.75 inch "Lightning Squares"

A new addition - similar to our popular Style 4 figures, but with straight edges and no bevel. Choose either and edge tree or a variety of internal discharge configurations. Illuminate these with a variety of multicolor, white, or blue LED light bases.The lightning-like branching discharges within our dendritic specimens are every bit as beautiful and detailed as our larger specimens at a more economical price.  Each figure is provided with a one-page explanation about what Lichtenberg Figures are and how they are created. "Light" edge dendritic discharge specimens are not shown - these are similar to regular discharge specimens, but were injected with fewer electrons. Light dendritic specimens have fewer branches and are somewhat more lightning-like in appearance.

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Style 54 Discharge Types
(Click above for larger image)
Specimen being Discharged
(Click above for larger image)
Edge Dendritic, Natural Light
(Click above for larger image)
Discharge types include
Interior Chaotic (top - out of stock)
and (L to R) Edge Dendritic, Interior
Dendritic, and Interior Bushy (very few available)
Edge discharge specimen
being discharged

Regular Edge Dendritic discharge illuminated
by natural room light (light base off)
$Interior Bushy
(Click above for larger image)
Edge dendritic, room and base light
(Click above for larger image)
Edge Dendritic, Subdued light
(Click above for larger image)
Interior Bushy discharge
in natural light.
"Lighter" Edge Dendritic discharge
illuminated by bright room light on a
multicolor light base
Regular Edge Dendritic
discharge in subdued light
on a
multicolor light base
Interior Dendritic, subdued light
(Click above for larger image)
Interior Dendritic, Subdued Light
(Click above for larger image)
Interior Dendritic, BD752MC
(Click above for larger image)
Interior Dendritic, subdued light,
  on a
color-changing light base
Sorry - out of stock
Same specimen at left,
on a multicolor changes
Sorry - out of stock
Same specimen at left, on a
  multicolor base, color change

Sorry - out of stock 
Interior Dendritic, on BD752MC base
(Click above for larger image)
Edge Dendritic, room and BD752MC light
(Click above for larger image)
Chaotic, BD752MC, Subdued light
(Click above for larger image)
Same specimen as above,
on a multicolor light base 
Sorry - out of stock
Edge Dedritic, on multicolor
light base, in bright ambient light

Interior Chaotic in subdued
ambient light, on multicolor base

(Sorry - out of Stock)
Edge Dendritic on LM2690B Light Base
(Click above for larger image)
Edge Dendritic on LM2690B rosewood light base
(Click above for larger image)
Interior Dendritic on BD2690B Rosewood Light Base
(Click above for larger image)
Edge Dendritic specimen on a
LM2690B rosewood light base
Regular Edge dendritic specimen
LM2690B rosewood light base
Interior dendritic specimen on
LM2690B rosewood light base
Sorry - out of stock

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