Captured Lightning sculptures, individual Style 13A images

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for Rare and Beautiful Lichtenberg Figures!
(Page updated 09/13/22 - may change without notice)

Style 13A - 1.50" Diameter x 4.5" Cylinders
 with TWO Charge Layers

These cylindrical specimens were carefully cut and polished, then irradiated on two sides to create a two side-by-side dendritic trees.  The cylindrical shape tends to magnify the internal patterns and, when illuminated from below using a color changing light base, the internal figures sparkle and glow beautifully. Discharge may be either parallel planes, Windblown Lightning, or a mixture of the two. A few also self-discharged, creating a mix of chaotic and dendritic patterns.  These specimens work quite well with our BD753MC, CR35MC crystal multicolor bases, and our ROT45MC rotary light bases. They they also work quite well with the bright white LM2690 or LM2692 rosewood light bases.  Although the fractal patterns vary from piece to piece, your satisfaction is always guaranteed.

Style 13A Windblown Lightning

\(Click above for larger image)

Windblown Lightning - rotated 90 degrees

(Click above for larger image)

Double-Layer Rod Discharge

(Click above for larger image)
Windblown Lightning with typical dendritic patterns on CR35MC crystal light base

Cylinder at left rotated 90 degrees on CR35MC
crystal multicolor light base
Charged specimens being discharged in a holding fixture during production

Parallel Planes

(Click above for larger image)

3D Cylinder

(Click above for larger image)

Rotatable 3D image - full 360 degree view!

Parallel Planes rotated 90 degrees

(Click above for larger image)
Parallel Planes specimen on a CR35MC
multicolor crystal light base.
Click on the above image to link to a rotatable image of a slightly larger (2" x 6") cylinder that has a similar dendritic discharge.  Once the image has fully downloaded, drag your mouse over the image to rotate it back & forth.
(Courtesy Theodore Gray)
Specimen at far left rotated 90 degrees, on a CR35MC multicolor crystal light base.
Self Discharge - Chaotic and Dendritic

(Click above for larger image)

(Click above for larger image)


(Click above for larger image)
Self-Discharged Dense Chaotic and Dendritic sculpture in a CR35MC  multicolor crystal light base.
Only a few left!
Same specimen on left, different color illumination. This
specimen was discharged while being irradiated, so it created a
gorgeous, very dense set of interlinked chaotic and dendritic discharges.
Only a few left!
Same specimen as on left, rotated 90 degrees. Magnified image appears to fill entire specimen.
Only a few left!

Some Other Places to Visit:
Tesla Information Center
Quarter Shrinker
Link to 345 kV Switch MPEG
10" Tesla Coil Link to Shrunken Coins for Sale
Tesla Info Center
The "Quarter Shrinker"
BIG Arcs & Sparks
10" Tesla Coil
Get Shrunken Coins!


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