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Stoneridge Engineering LLC is THE Source
for Rare and Beautiful Lichtenberg Figures!
(Page updated 09/13/22 - may change without notice)

Style 11 - 2.7" x 8" x 3/4" obelisk with polished edges

Each of these Captured Lightning sculptures has been carefully irradiated and then discharged along an edge or the interior to create beautiful discharges.  Some have "self-discharged" creating very dense, "bushy" patterns. Most have dendritic (tree-like branching) patterns with a little bit of chaotic discharges near the base. Although individual patterns vary considerably from piece to piece, we guarantee that you will be satisfied. Custom walnut lighted bases are available with either bright white or "electric blue" LED's. Our custom walnut lighted bases (DK25x75W with white LED's, and DK25x75B with electric blue LED's) are ideal for these sculptures.


(Click above for larger image)
(Click above for larger image)
(Click above for larger image)
illuminated by sunlight on black velvet
Bushy Dendritic
illuminated by sunlight on black velvet
(May have multiple discharge exit points)
Mixed Chaotic & Dense Dendritic
illuminated by sunlight on black velvet
(Out of stock)
Mixed Chaotic and Dense Dendritic
(Click above for larger image)
Mixed Choatic and Dendritic
(Click above for larger image)
Base Dendritic
(Click above for larger image)
Mixed Chaotic & Dense Dendritic
in DK25x75B Walnut Lighted Base
with "electric blue" LED's
Mixed Chaotic & Light Dendritic
in DK25x75W Walnut Lighted Base
with bright white LED's
(Out of stock)
Vertical Dendritic
in DK25x75W Walnut Lighted Base
with bright white LED's


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Tesla Information Center
Quarter Shrinker
Link to 345 kV Switch MPEG
10" Tesla Coil Deleware Quarter
Tesla Info Center
The "Quarter Shrinker"
BIG Arcs & Sparks
10" Tesla Coil
Get Shrunken Coins!


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