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(Click above for links to ordering bases)

(Click above for larger image)
Interior Dendritic Tree
in natural light. Most interior dendritic specimens have discharge root closer to the center of the sculpture.
Lighted Base Options
Our custom natural finish walnut and black anodized brushed
aluminum light bases that securely hold and illuminate your sculpture.
These bases enhance the beauty and exquisite detail of our Style 07 and
sculptures. Internally-reflected
bathes the entire sculpture, causing it to glow brightly from within.
discharge paths sparkle in almost crystalline fashion while even the
most delicate, hair-like discharge tips are clearly
Lighter Density
Edge Dendritic Tree,
shown in natural light
(Sorry - out of stock)

All of our custom walnut bases are professionally handcrafted by master woodworker Dale Kern, and are available with cool white, natural white, or
"electric blue" LED's. An area up to 1.25" x 6" wide area is
available on the top surface, or 5" x 3/4" area on the front of the
base shown in the pane to the left, for mounting a custom plaque to personalize the base or convert it
to an award.
Our GSB Series black anodized
brushed aluminum light bases provide a modern and elegant lighting
option. This base is available with cool white LED's, and works great in
brighter room or office lighting conditions.
Standard 120/240 volt AC
adapters are normally supplied, but optional 240 volt universal adapters for EC,
UK, or Australian power are also available at no extra charge for our
international customers.
Custom walnut bases can be purchased in Gallery 1 as can the GSB1906L black anodized brushed aluminum base.

(Click above for larger image)
Chaotic and Dense Dendritic Discharge sculptures that may originate on one or
more edges or interior points. Because these have self-discharged
while being irradiated,
the main paths are charred near the exit point(s). However, this
virtually disappears
when the sculpture is illuminated by one of our LED light bases.
These are among some of the most densely complex and fascinating of all
our discharge patterns. |
Typical Interior Dendritic figure edge-lit by a combination of white and blue LED's |

(Click above for larger image)

(Click above for larger image)

(Click above to see selections)
Typical Edge Dendritic Tree
in DK60X75B "Electric Blue" light
base in subdued ambient light |
Typical Edge Dendritic Tree in
DK60X75W White LED Light Base
in bright ambient light
Custom Laser Engraving Also Available
Engraving typically adds $30 - $50 and one-week.