Captured Lightning sculptures, individual Style 72 images

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Stoneridge Engineering LLC is THE Source
for Rare and Beautiful Lichtenberg Figures!
(Page updated 02/11/23 - may change without notice)

Style 72 - Massive 15" x 20" x 2" Museum
Captured Lightning Sculptures with Two Layers  
These huge museum-quality sculptures were charged to over 2 million volts by passing them through a 5 million volt electron beam, carefully flipping the charged specimens over, and passing them through the beam a second time. The multiple-irradiation process created two independent charge layers separated by 1 to 1 1/8 inches. When the fully-charged specimens were carefully discharged, brilliant lightning-like sparks create a pair of interlinked parallel discharge planes in less than a millionth of a second. Each discharge plane is located about 1/2" below the surface. Following is a high-definition video clip of one of these specimens being manually discharged during our 2013 production run.

These massive 15" x 20" x 2" sculptures were injected with trillions of high-energy electrons and then carefully discharged. The result is a spectacular sculpture with complex branching discharges along two charge planes with thousands of smaller discharges connecting the two planes. The main discharge channels are quite broad, darkened by the heat of the discharges, and surrounded by fractures that sparkle almost like crystalline facets. The dramatic internal Lichtenberg figures provide a permanent reminder of the lightning-like "electronic detonation" processes that create these sculptures.  When illuminated, the "fossilized" trails can be imagined as a 3D time-lapse sculpture of a raging lightning storm - h
ence, "Captured Lightning".

Each sculpture is provided with a professionally-finished 2" thick natural walnut light base. The images below show the sculptures being illuminated by a combination of blue and cool white LED's. We can also provide bases with all white, all blue, or other color combinations. In the sculptures below, the white and blue LED's bathe the internal
discharges with light, causing them to sparkle with a pleasing interplay of colors. Even the finest details of the fractal patterns are highlighted.

These are the largest and most majestic Captured Lightning sculptures we've ever offered to the public. 
Sculpture and matching light base are sold as a pair for $2750. We ship to most other countries, but because of their large size and weight, international shipping costs must be individually quoted based upon your geographical location. Shipping within the US is $75.00.  Power adapters are available for US, UK, EC, and Australian power. A Statement of Provenance can be provided upon request.

If you are interested in purchasing one of these magnificent sculptures and light bases, please inquire.

Specimen E

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Specimen E at angle

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Side view, lower portion

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Sculpture E
Specimen in walnut base with blue and white LED's 
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Sculpture E
Shown at diff
erent angle
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Sculpture E
Side view showing two interlinked layers

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Specimen F in Walnut Base
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Specimen F at different angle
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Another view of linked charge layers

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Sculpture F
Angled front view of sculpture F
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Sculpture F
Front view at different angle

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Sculpture F
This view shows a side view of the pair of interlinked charge layers. The main "tree" layer is in the upper-middle part of this image. Thousands of smaller sprite-like discharges are growing towards the opposite charge layer underneath.
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Sculpture #1001
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Sculpture #1002
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Sculpture #1004
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Sculpture #1001
Shown illuminated by cool white and blue LED's

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Sculpture #1002
Shown illuminated by cool white and blue LED's
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Sculpture #1004
Shown illuminated by cool white and blue LED's
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Style 72, Specimen #1005

Sculpture #1005
Shown illuminated by cool white and blue LED's
(Sorry - sold)


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Link to 345 kV Switch MPEG
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The "Quarter Shrinker"
BIG Arcs & Sparks
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