\(Click above for larger image)

(Click above for larger image)

(Click above for larger image)
Style 53 Captured Lightning cylinder showing typical
end dendritic cylindrical discharge on a BD752MC
light base (discontinued). The BD985MC or
BD753MC bases will work well instead.
Style 53 Captured Lightning cylinder with end
dendritic discharges on CR35MC
crystal multicolor light base.
from the top of a rotated sculpture showing an end
dendritic discharge structure. Discharges near the base
exit at the center at the
opposite end of the sculpture. |

(Click above for larger image)

(Click above for larger image)

(Click above for larger image)
Style 53 Captured Lightning end dendritic cylinder
on a CR35MC multicolor crystal light base.
Style 53 Captured Lightning cylinder with end
dendritic discharge shown in natural light.
Style 53 Captured Lightning Cylinder, end dendritic
discharges on LM2690 rosewood light base, white LED's