(Click above for larger image)

(Click above for larger image)

(Click above for larger image)
Sphere shown on a multicolor light base
Another sphere, illuminated by a ROT45MC
rotating multicolor light base
The birth of another Lichtenberg Figure -
sphere being discharged during creation

(Click above for larger image)

(Click above for larger image)

(Click above for larger image)
Close-up of another sphere on a ROT45MC
rotating multicolor light base
Previous sphere oriented with discharge point
opposite observer, showing 3-D internal structure
Previous sphere illuminated by a multicolor base

(Click above for larger image)

(Click above for larger image)

(Click above for larger image)
Another top view, color cycled to near white
via a multicolor light base
Another sphere with discharge point opposite
observer, showing 3-D internal structure.
Shown on a multicolor light base.
Previous sphere, with discharge point to
the right, illuminated by a multicolor light base



Another sphere on a napkin ring resting
on a BD753MC Multicolor Light Base
Sphere on the left rotated 90 degrees on a napkin
ring resting on a BD753MC Multicolor Light Base |
Same sphere but color of BD753MC light
base has changed to bright blue