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Stoneridge Engineering LLC is THE Source
for Rare and Beautiful Lichtenberg Figures!
(Page updated 09/14/22 - may change without notice)

Style 46 - 3.5 inch (89mm) 3D Lichtenberg Magnabrites
Because of their popularity, we created more during our last production run. We begin with unique, 3.5" diameter light gathering magnifiers from Visual Systems Labs, Inc.  Called Magnabrites , these are precision ground and polished lenses made from optical grade acrylic that have aspheric surfaces on both the top and bottom. Their unique shape brightens and magnifies any objects placed beneath them. We discovered that they also magnify the Lichtenberg Figures within as well!

To create them, w
e first bombard the top surface with a high energy (5 million volt) electron beam, then flip it over and do the same on through the bottom surface. This causes two separate regions of high voltage electrical charge to accumulate within the sculpture. We  then carefully discharge each sculpture at the center of the bottom surface. The results are simply breathtaking! Because of their unique light gathering properties, they can simply be displayed as is. Or, you can further enhance their beauty by illuminating them from below with either a white or multicolored LED light base.  We recommend using a BD750MC , BD753MC, or ROT45MC multicolor light base, or the BD753W matte black, or our LM2690, or LM2692 rosewood white LED light bases. Because acrylic can be easily scratched, we also suggest getting a round walnut base to gently cradle and protect your sculpture.

Also, b
e sure you also check out our more affordable Style 45 2.5" diameter Lichtenberg Magnabrites ! 
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Registered trademark of Visual Aids Lab, Inc.
Top view, natural light

(Click above for larger image)

Side view, natural

(Click above for larger image)

Top view, pouch underneath

(Click above for larger image)

Top view, ambient natural and
incandescent light
Side view of a specimen that self-discharged
ambient natural and incandescent light
Top view in ambient natural and incandescent light,
showing magnified image of carrying pouch underneath.
Side view

(Click above for larger image)

Illuminated from side

(Click above for larger image)

Side view, lit by LP3

(Click above for larger image)

Side view of specimen above, ambient
natural and incandescent light
Top view of specimen, illuminated from below
a multicolor light base
Side view of specimen, illuminated from
below by
a multicolor light base
Side view, lit by LP3, blue

(Click above for larger image)

3.5" Magnabrite - blue

(Click above for larger image)

Side view, LP3

(Click above for larger image)

Side view of previous specimen, color
changing  from
a multicolor light base
Top view of previous specimen, color
changing from
a multicolor light base
Side view of another specimen, illuminated
from below by
a multicolor light base

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