Captured Lightning sculptures, individual Style 39 and 40 images

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Stoneridge Engineering LLC is THE Source
for Rare and Beautiful Lichtenberg Figures!
(Page updated 02/11/23 - may change without notice)

Style 39A Huge 18 x 24 x 3/4" Museum-Size Sculptures

These are images of our currently available Style 39A sculptures. All specimens self-discharged in numerous locations as they were being irradiated. Specimens below are shown with 18" long LED strips (not included) to make the dense internal discharge structures more easily visible. These are among some of the most complex and interesting specimens we've ever made. The complex dendritic and chaotic discharges have been described as being similar to neural networks. Main discharge paths are a bit darkened due to the heavy discharge currents during creation. We also have matching 18-inch wide black anodized brushed aluminum bases with cool white LED's that work very well with these sculptures for $125 each.

Please contact us for international shipping costs since special packaging or crating may be necessary. 


Specimen A

(Click above for larger image)

Specimen B

(Click above for larger images)

Specimen C

(Click above for larger images)
Style 39A, Specimen A
Sorry - sold!
Style 39A, Specimen B
Style 39A, Specimen C

Specimen D

(Click above for larger image)

Specimen E

(Click above for larger image)

Style 39A, Specimen D
Sorry - sold!
Style 39A, Specimen E
Sorry - sold!


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Quarter Shrinker
Link to 345 kV Switch MPEG
10" Tesla Coil Link to Shrunken Coins for Sale
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The "Quarter Shrinker"
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