Captured Lightning sculptures, individual Style 31 images

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for Rare and Beautiful Lichtenberg Figures!
(Page updated 08/19/16 - may change without notice)

Style 31 - 2" x 2" x 1.7" Multiple 3D Discharge Prisms

The material used in these specimens was a special purchase and when these run out, they'll be gone for good. These are similar to our Style 16 prisms but they're smaller and more affordable. We irradiated multiple sides to form two or more independent charge layers. This results in beautiful three dimensional discharges instead of a single flat layer of charge.  Some specimens look similar to African Acacia trees while others have plane-to-plane discharges that resemble high altitude lightning discharges which often appear above thunderstorms during positive lightning strokes. Some specimens contain a chaotic tangle of discharges, while others have a mixture of dendritic and chaotic discharges. A few specimens self-discharged - these may show a bit of charring along the main roots.

The following images do not begin to capture the depth, clarity, and jewel like character of these figures. When illuminated by a multicolor or white LED base, these become sparkling jewels, glowing from within. Laser crystal art can't begin to match the exquisite detail and intricate complexity of the thousands of fractal discharges inside these prisms. Please describe which type(s) of discharges you prefer (i.e., African Tree, Parallel Plane, Chaotic Mix, Simple Tree, etc.), and we will try to find one that is similar. Although the fractal patterns vary significantly from specimen to specimen, your satisfaction is always guaranteed. If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason we will gladly offer to replace your item or provide you with a full refund!

Two Planes
(Click above for larger image)
African Tree Discharge
(Click above for larger image)
African Tree
(Click above for larger image)
Parallel planes discharge specimen shown in natural light
African Tree style discharge specimen shown under natural light.
NOTE: Some African trees are oriented along the long axis
instead of the short axis.
Side view of African Tree specimen under natural illumination.
NOTE: Some African trees are oriented along the long axis
instead of the short axis.
Chaotic Discharge Specimen
(Click above for larger image)
3D Tree Discharge
(Click above for larger image)
African Tree lit by LP3 Light Base
(Click above for larger image)
Chaotic discharge specimen shown in natural light.
Some specimens have a tree-like trunk and branches supporting a
thick chaotic discharge layer that looks like the "leaves" of the tree.
Simple 3D Tree in natural light
African Tree style specimen lit by a multicolor light base.
NOTE: Some African trees are oriented along the long axis
instead of the short axis.
African Tree
(Click above for larger image)
African Tree
(Click above for larger image)
Chaotic Specimen on LP3 Base
(Click above for larger image)
Another view of previous African Tree from a different angle,
illuminated by a multicolor light b
ase. NOTE: Some African
 trees are oriented along the long axis instead of the short axis.
Another view of previous African Tree from a different angle,
illuminated by a multicolor
light base
Chaotic Discharge specimen illuminated from below
by a multicolor
light base

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