High-end 2D and 3D Captured Lightning sculptures

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(Page updated 9/14/22 - may change without notice)

High-End 2D and 3D Masked and
Museum Sized Sculptures  

These are some of our largest single-layer and 3D multiple-layer sculptures.
Their larger size and complex internal patterns are prized by art collectors and home decorators. All sculptures are provided with custom walnut light bases with one or two LED strips. Standard colors are cool white, natural white, and "electric blue". Bases for 1.5" and 2" thick sculptures have two rows of LED's, and can be ordered with both strips the same color or a mix of two different colors. Special order LED colors include red, yellow, green, or multi-color color-changing at higher cost.

We offer classical single-layer, complex 2-layer, and state-of-the art 3D masked sculptures. Our 3D masked sculptures uses lead masks on two surfaces to precisely control the regions of the specimen that are irradiated by the electron beam. As each specimen is passed through the beam, openings in the top mask permit electrons to charge up the acrylic below, while blocking electrons from the areas under the mask. 3D masked specimens are then rotated 180 degrees and irradiated again through the bottom mask. The result is a series of charged regions along two separate layers. Each charge layer is about 1/4" to 1/2" below the acrylic surface depending on the energy of the electron beam.

After discharging, the unmasked areas will contain discharges while the masked regions will not. By cleverly designing the masks and their relative alignment, we can also cause the two discharge layers to become linked by a large number of of smaller discharges. The result is an incredibly complex 3D discharge structure that is stunningly beautiful from all viewing angles. A diagram of the irradiation and masking process can be seen below:

3D Sculpture Creation Process

Style 74M3D - 8" x 8" x 1.5" Two-Plane Masked 3D Sculpture
Matching walnut base can be supplied with all white, all blue, or mixed white/blue LED's
Power adapters available for North American/US, UK, EC, and Australian power
Retail Price: $690 for sculpture and matching walnut lighted base
. Shipping weight ~8 pounds.

Matrixed Lightning - 3D Masked

(Click above for larger image)

Log Spiral A, 3D Masked

(Click above for larger image)

Matrixed Lightning video

(Click above for video clip)

Style 74M3D - Matrixed Lightning
Typical Specimen illuminated with blue LED's
Style 74M3D -Log Spiral A
Typical Specimen illuminated with blue LED's
Style 74M3D - Matrixed Lightning
Video showing 3D discharge structure

Log Spiral B, 3D Masked

(Click above for larger image)

Log Spiral B, 3D Masked

(Click above for larger image)

Log Spiral B, 3D Masked

(Click above for video clip)
Style 74M3D -Log Spiral B
Typical Specimen illuminated with blue LED's
Style 74M3D -Log Spiral B
Another typical Specimen illuminated with blue LED's
Style 74M3D -Log Spiral B
Video showing 3D discharge structure

Stereo images of an 8 Inch Matrixed Lightning Sculpture
Cross your eyes slightly while looking between the two images below and then concentrate on the
combined image that you see in the center. It will be a full 3D image of the sculpture. 

Stereo View

Style 19 - 12" x 12" x 1" Single-Plane Discharge, No Mask
Matching walnut base can be supplied with cool white, natural white, or blue LED's

Power adapters available for North American/US, UK, EC, and Australian power
Retail Price: $768 per sculpture and matching walnut light base
. Shipping weight ~10 pounds.

Corner Dendritic

(Click above for larger image)

Interior Dendritic

(Click above for larger image)

Specimen #1008

(Click above for larger image)

Style 19 Specimen, Corner Discharge
Typical Specimen in base illuminated  with cool white LED's
Style 19 Specimen, Interior Discharge
Typical Specimen illuminated with cool white LED's
Style 19 Specimen, Edge Discharge
Typical Specimen illuminated with blue LED's

Style 19M3D - 12" x 12" x 1", Two-Plane Masked 3D Discharge
These have two discharge layers that are linked by bridging discharges between layers
Supplied with walnut base with white, blue, or green LED's
Power adapters available for North American/US, UK, EC, and Australian power
Retail Price: $828 per sculpture and matching walnut light base.
Shipping weight ~10 pounds.

Standing Wave

(Click above for larger image)

3D Vortex

(Click above for larger image)

Standing Wave

(Click above for larger image)
Style 19M3D - Standing Wave
Typical Specimen in base illuminated  with blue LED's
Style 19M3D - Vortex
Typical Specimen in base illuminated  with blue LED's
Style 19M3D - Standing Wave
Typical Specimen in base illuminated  with cool white LED's

Log Spiral 3D

(Click above for larger image)

Standing Wave (Dense), 3D

(Click above for larger image)

Side view of the two charge planes

(Click above for larger image)
Style 19M3D - Log Spiral 3D
Typical Specimen in base illuminated  with green LED's
Style 19M3D - Standing Wave (dense)
Typical Specimen in base illuminated  with green LED's
Style 19M3D - Side view, Standing Wave
Shows the two interlinked discharge planes

Style 38 - 12" x 16" x 1", Single Plane Discharge, No Masking
Matching walnut base can be supplied with cool white, natural white, or blue LED's

Power adapters available for North American/US, UK, EC, and Australian power
Retail Price: $948 per sculpture and matching walnut light base. Shipping weight ~13 pounds.

Style 38, Blue LED's

(Click above for larger image)

Style 38, white LED's

(Click above for larger image)

Style 38, Blue LED's

(Click above for larger image)
Style 38  - Typical Specimen illuminated with blue LED's Style 38  - Typical Specimen illuminated with cool white LED's Style 38  - Typical Specimen illuminated with blue LED's

Style 75M3D - 12" x 12" x 1.5", Two-Plane Masked 3D Discharge

Matching walnut base can be supplied with all cool white, natural white, or blue LED's or a mix.

Power adapters available for North American/US, UK, EC, and Australian power
Retail Price: $1128 per sculpture with matching walnut light base. Shipping weight approx. 14 pounds.

3D Vortex

(Click above for larger image)

Log Spiral 3D

(Click above for larger image)

Log Spiral 3D

(Click above for larger image)
Style 75M3D - Vortex 3D
Typical Specimen in base illuminated  with cool white LED's
Style 75M3D - Log Spiral, Self Discharged
Unique Specimen in base illuminated  with cool white LED's
Style 75M3D - Log Spiral, Self Discharged
Typical Specimen in base illuminated  with cool white LED's

Standing Wave

(Click above for larger image)

Matrixed Lightning

(Click above for larger image)

Standing Wave, Self Discharged

(Click above for larger image)
Style 75M3D - Standing Wave
Typical Specimen in base illuminated  with cool white LED's
Style 75M3D - Matrixed Lightning (large)
Typical Specimen in base illuminated  with blue LED's
Style 75M3D - Standing Wave, Self Discharged
Unique Specimen in base illuminated  with blue LED's

Style 72 - 15" x 20" x 2", Two-Layer Discharge, No Masking
These sculptures combine the natural beauty of an unmasked sculpture with two interlinked charge layers. These are the largest sculptures we make. Because of the random nature of the discharges, there is considerable variation from specimen to specimens. One of these specimens is on permanent exhibit at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry in the "Numbers in Nature" exhibit.

Matching walnut base can be supplied with all cool white, natural white, or blue LED's or a mix of any two. Special order options include red, green, or yellow, or multi-color color-changing LED's. 
Power adapters are available for North American/US, UK, EC, and Australian power.
Retail Price: $3300 including custom walnut light base.
Shipping weight ~40 pounds.

Style 72, Mixed blue/white LED's

(Click above for larger image)

Style 72, Specimen "F", Mixed LED's

(Click above for larger image)

View showing plane-to-plane discharges

(Click above for larger image)
Style 72  - Typical Specimen illuminated with
mix of cool white and blue LED's
Style 72  - Typical Specimen illuminated with
mix of cool white and blue LED's
Style 72  - Side view showing thousands of plane-to-plane discharges.
Distance between layers is 1" to 1 1/4"

Discharging a Style 72 Sculpture

(Click above for larger image)

Video of Sculpture being discharged

(Click above to see video clip)

Walnut Base with two LED strips

(Click above for larger image)
Style 72  - Sculpture being discharged.
Each plane was charged to ~2.5 million volts
Style 72  - Video clip of sculpture being discharged.
Estimated charge plane voltage is ~2.5 million volts
DK150x200 walnut light base showing two rows of LED's
Cool white, natural white, blue, and mixed available.
Other colors are also available.

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