Coil Image

  Stoneridge Engineering - the home of
Captured Lightning
Featuring Sculptures and Shrunken Coins
From Captured Lightning, LLC
"Wreaking Havoc with Electrons for Over 50 Years!"
Your on-line source for Fun With Physics since 1999
Last updated  03/08/25
Blue1x Prism or Heart
Art from Electricity!
Spectacular Single Layer 2D and
Multi-Layer 3D Captured Lightning
(Lichtenberg Figure) Sculptures
    Quarter Shrinker

    The "Quarter Shrinker"

    Celebrating our 23rd year of offering
    Captured Lightning Sculptures and Shrunken Coins!


    500 KV Switch
    BIG Arcs and Sparks

    Shrunken Coins
    Featured in May 4, 2009
    issue of "Coin World"

    Lightning Flash Enter1
    Lightning Flash Enter2

    Mendocino Motor

    Levitating Solar Motors
    (from a seasoned Tesla
    coiler, Tom Vales)
    Burnt Bert
    The History of
    Quarter Shrinking

    Old Hot-Streamer site

    Mirror Site (More
    Tesla Coil Info)
    Lichtenberg Figures
    What are Captured
    Lightning Sculptures
    and how do we make them?

    Tesla Info Center

    Nikola Tesla
    Information Center
    Rare Technical Books

    Hard to Find and Out
    of Print Technical Books

    Extreme Tracker

    LEGAL JARGON: All content on this web site are copyrighted (1999-2025) and may not be reproduced or mirrored without our permission.   While we welcome linking, reposting or mirroring is expressly forbidden. No animals or small children were harmed in the making of this web site or any of the content therein, and we assume absolutely no responsibility for anyone crazy enough to try doing these sorts of things themselves!  We're crazy... but we do know what we're doing.
    In other words, DON'T try this stuff at home, kids!

     Your feedback is always appreciated! Please Email me with comments, questions, or suggestions!