Captured Lightning sculptures, individual Style 23 images

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for Rare and Beautiful Lichtenberg Figures!
(Page updated 09/14/22 - may change without notice)

Style 23 - 4" x 3/4" Lightning Star Figures

These were originally made as an experiment, and we have decided to carry them as a standard product. Almost all of our Lightning Stars self-discharged on an one or more of the inside corners as we were irradiating them with the electron beam. This resulted in a combination of chaotic and dendritic discharges that fill up a star-like space inside the star.  Some specimens are densely dendritic, while others are mostly chaotic. A few have discharges that originate near the center of the star. These work well with our CR35MC crystal multicolor color changing light base or our battery or line-powered BD985MC light base. 

Natural Light
(Click above for larger image)
Flat, natural liht
(Click above for larger image)
Upright, natural lighting
(Click above for larger image)
Edge Tree Sculpture, upright in natural light
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Edge Tree sculpture, flat on black velvet in natural light
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Another Edge Tree sculpture, upright in natural light
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Flat on black velvet
(Click above for larger image)
Upright on LP3
(Click above for larger image)
Upright, on LP3
(Click above for larger image)
Another Edge Tree sculpture, flat on black velvet
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Angled close-up of an Edge Tree sculpture with mixed dendritic
and chaotic discharges, upright on a
multicolor light base
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Close-up view of previous Edge Tree sculpture, upright on a
multicolor light base. Specimen shows mostly chaotic discharges.

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Close-up, lit by LP3
(Click above for larger image)
Interior Discharge
(Click above for larger image)
Upright lit by LP3
(Click above for larger image)
Close-up view of previous Edge Tree specimen,
upright on a
multicolor light base 
Close-up view of Interior Branched Tree sculpture,
upright on a
white LED light base
Close-up view, upright on a multicolor light base
(Sorry - out of stock)

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